【4/22 外交部美語教室直播,還不加入⁉️ 】
是阿美族語喔「 𝓝𝓰𝓪'𝓪𝔂 𝓱𝓸」(你好!)
一年一度 #聯合國原住民議題常設論壇(UNPFII)線上研討會直播即將登場 ‼️
外交部與 原住民族委員會 今年合辦線上研討會,將由原民會鍾興華 Calivat.Gadu 副主任委員分享我國原住民族 #歷史正義 與 #轉型正義 的成果。
今年很榮幸邀請到重量級特別貴賓,加拿大原住民領袖 Wilton Littlechild 與談,他曾參與起草 #聯合國原住民族權利宣言 等多項國際原住民人權文件;另外新北市新莊區丹鳳國民小學附幼兒園還會以阿美族族語歌謠的唱跳,展現台灣傳承原住民族語及文化的努力!
🎥台北時間4月22日早上7點準時在外交部Youtube官方頻道線上直播 https://reurl.cc/R6lE26
Did you know “Nga'ay ho” means “hello” in Amis or Pangcah (one of Taiwan's indigenous peoples)?
To mark the 20th annual session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), taking place from 19-30 April, 2021, MOFA has teamed up with the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) and the Executive Yuan to hold an online seminar from 7pm on 21 April (US Eastern time).
Keynote speaker CIP Deputy Minister Dr. Calivat Gadu will share #Taiwan's efforts in promoting historical and #TransitionalJustice for #IndigenousPeoples.
This year, we're honored to have special guest Dr. Wilton Littlechild, a dedicated advocate of the drafting of “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” with us to share his wisdom. Dr. Littlechild has worked tirelessly to promote #HumanRights, in particular those of indigenous peoples.
Last but not least, Taiwanese indigenous kids will perform in their #MotherLanguages to share the progress of the revitalization of indigenous languages among the younger indigenous generation in Taiwan. Join the live stream at the link below: https://reurl.cc/R6lE26
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 What is transitional justice? - YouTube 的評價
- 關於transitionaljustice 在 Siraya 自主民族議會- 所謂「轉型正義」(transitional justice) 的評價
transitionaljustice 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
The #TransitionalJustice Commission on Saturday announced the latest round of exonerations for 100 individuals found guilty in political trials during the authoritarian era in Taiwan from 1945-1992, involving 105 cases determined to have been unjustly convicted.
transitionaljustice 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
▍以色列🇮🇱 德國🇩🇪 在台灣🇹🇼
共同見證 #國際大屠殺紀念日 活動
#小英總統 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen、 #外交部 吳部長、 以色列駐台代表 #柯思畢 (Omer Caspi)、德國在台協會代表 #王子陶博士(Dr. Thomas Prinz),及台灣民主基金會 游錫堃 董事長,今天在台北賓館一同見證「國際大屠殺紀念日」活動。
蔡總統致詞中提到,以色列和德國每年在台舉辦大屠殺紀念活動,正是和解與和平共存的重要象徵,台灣很榮幸參與,藉由這個活動,提醒我們 #轉型正義 的工作還沒有完成。台灣永遠不會忘記過去,並且將與國際社會攜手促進 #宗教自由、 #性別平等 和 #婦女權利,繼續透過雙邊、多邊及 #公民社會倡議 ,發揮台灣的 #良善力量,齊心共築更美好、更包容、更和平 的未來。
外交部這次委請 臺灣民主基金會 Taiwan Foundation for Democracy 以及以色列駐台辦事處Israel in Taipei 、 German Institute Taipei 德國在台協會 一同舉辦了這次的活動。期待未來能和以色列及德國兩國,在文化、教育,以及轉型正義議題上有更多合作與交流。
有人會問,為何要在台灣舉辦大屠殺紀念日,台灣與納粹殘暴毫無關聯。德國在台協會代表王子陶博士說,紀念大屠殺給予我們一個機會,深思 #和平、#人權 、#民主 、#媒體自由、#司法獨立 以及 #保護少數民族 的重要性。這些價值並非理所當然,而是前人努力爭取而來的,因此我們必須更加積極去維護。身處特殊國際環境,但又保有民主與自由的台灣,就是個合適的地方來舉辦這紀念日。
聯合國大會於2005年通過決議,將1月27日訂為國際大屠殺紀念日(International Holocaust Remembrance Day, IHRD),自此,聯合國和世界各國舉辦活動,紀念在納粹大屠殺中罹難的600萬猶太人和其他數百萬的受害者;並且在全世界推動大屠殺教育,避免種族滅絕再度發生。聯合國決議也拒絕以任何形式否定大屠殺,並譴責一切基於種族血統或宗教信仰,針對個人或社群做的宗教不寬容、煽動或暴力行為。
Today President Tsai Ing-wen and MOFA Minister Joseph Wu attended a ceremony in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust, alongside Representative Omer Caspi of the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, German Institute Taipei Director General Thomas Prinz and Chairman Si-Kun You of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.
In her speech, President Tsai talked about the lessons that this dark moment in history holds for Taiwan, both in terms of facing up to our own authoritarian past in the push for #TransitionalJustice at home and in advocating for #HumanRights and #democracy amidst the resurgence of authoritarianism around the world.
Taiwan remembers. That is why we're working with international partners to advance #ReligiousFreedom, #GenderEquality and #WomensRights and last December we also joined the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation to promote the preservation of the Auschwitz concentration camp memorial site, to keep the memory of the victims alive for future generations.
Representative Caspi shared with us the story of his own great grandparents who were murdered alongside 3,000 Jewish men, women and children on August 4, 1941. In his stirring speech, he pointed to indifference as a major factor that allowed the Nazis to commit their atrocities, adding "The danger of indifference is still here, among us."
He added that Taiwan Foundation for Democracy's role in co-hosting the ceremony for the first time this year, reflects the importance Taiwan sees in preserving the memory of the Holocaust and its victims.
#NeverForget #NeverAgain #NoIndifference #WeRemember
transitionaljustice 在 Siraya 自主民族議會- 所謂「轉型正義」(transitional justice) 的推薦與評價
所謂「轉型正義」(transitional justice),是指如何在轉型時期實踐正義(justice in transition)(de Brito, et al., 2001: 2) ... <看更多>
transitionaljustice 在 What is transitional justice? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
How did transitional justice come about? ... this justice of transition (to democracy or peace, for example), which aims to prevent the ... ... <看更多>