係銀聯白金月刊嘅專欄寫咗篇真.港女心聲 - 「我的婚嫁物語」!總編話不如試下寫酒以外嘅話題啦!haha!係呢到分享一下!我嘅conclusion係最尾嗰句!😉
My column in Platinum UnionPay magazine - "my perspective about marriage". My editor in chief asks me to try to write something other than wine, so I decide to write about how HK ladies (including myself) think about marriage. Hope my friends & readers will like it! 😉
#platinumunionpay #marriage
platinumunionpay 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最讚貼文
係銀聯白金月刊酒專欄分享看愛情片的領悟。早陣子看了黃真真導演及黎明與王珞丹主演的消失的愛人,提醒我做人真的要及時行樂。若你的另一半喜愛杯中物,我有個有趣的介紹,成日飲蘇格蘭威士忌,不如試下來自法國勃艮第的威士忌Michel Couvreur? 有話題又另類,及時行樂 !真係要敬Leon一杯,見到佢係個演唱會到咁有承擔,呢d男人超吸引!Good show!
My wine column in Platinum UnionPay monthly magazine sharing my view after watching the movie "The Secret", directed by Barbara Wong with Leon Lai and Wong Lu Dan as the main casts, which reminds me to enjoy the present cos' u never know about the future! If your other half likes whisky, I'd suggest u to try out Michel Couvreur whisky from burgundy, france. It's more cult & quite interesting to explore with your love. I really have to toast with Leon Lai, he's really admirable in bearing all the responsibilities of his concert, soooo man! Good show!
#platinumunionpay #whisky #burgundy #frenchwhisky #movie #thesecret #leonlai #wongchunchun #michelcouvreur
platinumunionpay 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
係銀聯白金月刊(11月)寫關於南非美酒及旅遊!Cape Town真係好靚!好掛住Pinotage, Chenin Blanc, 仲有MCC sparkling同甜酒!仲有The Test Kitchen!
My article in Platinum Of UnionPay magazine (Nov issue) about my wine trip in Cape Town, South Africa! Cape Town is really beautiful! I miss d Pinotage, Chenin Blanc, MCC sparkling & sweet wine! I also miss the Test Kitchen!
#platinumunionpay #wine #winetrip #southafricanwine #capetown #capewine #thetestkitchen #pinotage #cheninblanc #mcc #sparklingwine #redwine #whitewine #sweetwine