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1. Set A🇸🇬
👨🍳200g of premium French pork ball➕about 600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 bottle of Holland beer🍺➕1 bottle of Mexico beer🍺➕2packs of dried noodles➕200g of French marinated low salt pork belly➕cooler bag👨🍳
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(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
2. Set B🇸🇬
👨🍳200g premium French pork cubes➕600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 can of restaurant grade premium sauce➕500g dumplings➕2 packs of dried noodles➕200g French marinated low-salt pork belly➕ cooler bag👨🍳
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3. Set C🇲🇾
👍1 kg of Hokkaido large scallops➕700g of red fish➕500g onion pancake➕150g of famous sauce👨🍳
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(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
4. Set D🇸🇬
👨🍳 2pcs pan-fried promfret➕300g pan-fried non-spicy Asam Prawn ➕1 can of restaurant premium sauce➕cooler bag👨🍳
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(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
5. Set E🇸🇬
👨🍳250g of Alor Setar's own recipe vegetables and spices👨🍳
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6. Set F🇲🇾
👍350g of Alor Setar’s own recipe spice 👨🍳
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7. Set G🇸🇬
👨🍳1kg Premium Japanese Style Tempura Sotong Ring👨🍳
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8. Set H🇸🇬
👨🍳550g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab / 450g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab➕1 can of sauce👨🍳
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9. Set I🇸🇬
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10. Set J🇸🇬
👨🍳4️⃣pcs Super premium special mooncake [Tiramisu core + purple sweet potato jade + matcha red bean + lotus paste single yellow] ➕4️⃣pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus paste + golden jade + double egg yolk lotus paste + double egg yolk golden jade]👨 🍳
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11. Set K🇲🇾
👍4pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus seed paste+golden jade+double egg yolk lotus seed+double egg yolk golden jade ]👨🍳
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同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French style pie: Strawberry & Blueberry Galette, aka Fruit Galette. Fruit g...
「french king cake」的推薦目錄:
- 關於french king cake 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於french king cake 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於french king cake 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於french king cake 在 Cooking with Dog Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於french king cake 在 Peachy Bunny Bakes Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於french king cake 在 PAUL Malaysia - The French King Cake aka Galette de Rois... 的評價
- 關於french king cake 在 Galette des Rois-King Cake | Recipe - Pinterest 的評價
french king cake 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[博客來OKAPI 專欄 / OKAPI Column] 居家防疫,甜點百憂解——「#巴巴(#baba)」的故事 / Baba, the soul-soothing dessert that keeps the blues away (English below)
甜點+酒精,還有比這個組合更能解千愁的嗎?300 年前,「巴巴」(Baba)的發明,溫暖了被迫遠離家鄉的老國王的心、接著風靡巴黎人,最後成為經典法式甜點。一起來讀這段有趣的故事,也順便告訴我,在這段宅在家的時間裡,你們又覺得哪個甜點最有療癒效果?
Desserts and alcohols…is there a more comforting combination? 300 years ago, Stanisław I Leszczyński, the exiled king of Poland and Nicolas Stohrer, his pastry chef knew this pretty well. This combination has amazed not only the French but the Italians ever since the creation of “baba”. This little cake soaked in hard liquor, usually rum, has made it way from Poland to France, from Nancy (or Alsace) to Paris and from France to Italy as well as other places in the world. Read the full post and enjoy the story of this classic French pastry. By the way, don’t forget to tell me what your favorite comforting dessert is these days!
#yingspastryguide #yingc #babaaurhum #rumbaba
french king cake 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
搞間pop up store,其實我最想係多一個方便取貨店,
卻是Sous Vide慢煮肉,和大大煎堆。
方便彼此,放retort bag可長期貯存的新鮮高質慢煮肉,
還有的是,我要搞個波 。。。
結合French King Cake的概念,裡面放個小公仔
(法國訂回來,bakable French King Cake Feve),
有9 個送貨日,每日即做即送,(每日限量50個波波)
#ocheflab #食物研究所 #新年食品
french king cake 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French style pie: Strawberry & Blueberry Galette, aka Fruit Galette.
Fruit galette is so gorgeous in its rustic form. It’s a French pastry similar to a tart or a pie, the famous one is Galette des rois (king cake). The fruit galette is another free form pie with fruit filling, and the crust folded partway over the top of the filling, looks like a flat round pie. The best part is the pastry dough is simple to make for even beginners, it's quite a bit less effort than puff pastry, but the result is amazing.
In this video we'll show you how to make the delicious strawberry galette in an easy way. This galette recipe features jammy strawberries and an ultra flaky, buttery crust. Enjoy. :)
📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make French Strawberry & Blueberry Galette
French Style Strawberry & Blueberry Galette Recipe
☞ Yield: Serve 3~4
✎ Ingredients
📍 Pie dough
all purpose flour 100g (plus more for dusting)
granulated sugar 15g
a pinch of salt
unsalted butter 80g (Iced, cut into cubes)
iced water 30g
one egg
crystal brown sugar Q.S
📍fruits filling
strawberries 180g
blueberries 40g
granulated sugar 30g
corn starch 6g
half lemon zest
lemon juice 2g
✎ Instructions
1. In a medium bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt together until well combined.
2. Add very cold butter cubes and toss in the flour and until each piece is coated. Just take a piece of butter, using your fingertips to press it flat, then complete all. If your fingers warm up the butter too much, you can chill for 10 minutes
3. Add ice water and mix with your fingertips until the dough holds together enough to form a ball. If too dry, drop the remaining water. Lumps of dough are OK.
4. Put the dough onto a piece of plastic wrap, and flatten into a disk and refrigerate for 1 hour.
5. Make the fruit filling. Pinch off the green and slice the strawberries.
6. In a large bowl, combine the strawberries and blueberries with sugar and cornstarch. Zest half of lemon and squeeze a little lemon juice. Toss the fruit mixture together, set aside.
7. Lightly flour your working surface, so the pastry doesn't stick. Unwrap the dough and roll it into a 26cm/10-inch round circle about 3mm~4mm thick.
8. Pile the fruit filling onto the center of the dough and leave at least 2 inches border around the edge. Fold the edges of the dough up and over the filling.
9. Brush the edges with the egg wash and sprinkle with sugar.
10. Preheat the oven to 220C and bake for 25 minutes. Once baked, transfer onto a wire rack and cool completely.
10. Let cool before slicing and serving with an ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream to take it to the next level!
00:00 opening
00:35 Ingredients
01:33 How to make galette dough
04:27 How to make fruit filling(Strawberry & Blueberry)
06:18 Rolling and Assembly
07:55 folding the edges and egg wash
10:26 Baking
10:49 taste

french king cake 在 Cooking with Dog Youtube 的最佳解答
We are making a Japanese-inspired Pizza with our teriyaki chicken recipe. This teriyaki flavor Japanese-style pizza is so delicious!
How to Make Teriyaki Chicken Pizza
(2 20cm/8-inch pizzas)
- Dough -
100g Bread Flour (3.5 oz)
50g Cake Flour (1.75 oz)
½ tbsp Sugar
½ tsp Salt
1 tsp Olive Oil
90ml Water (3 fl oz)
1 tsp Instant Dry Yeast Powder
- Toppings -
80g Teriyaki Chicken (2.8 oz)
* check out our Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich video. https://youtu.be/PUZZAmNXF-0
40g Maitake Mushrooms or substitute: shiitake, shimeji or king oyster mushrooms (1.4 oz)
40g Long Green Onion, cut into diagonal slices (1.4 oz)
Black Pepper, coarsely ground
Olive Oil
100g Mozzarella Cheese (3.5 oz)
Spring Onion Leaves, chopped
Shichimi Chili Powder or Sansho Pepper
Bread Flour for dusting
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Music courtesy of Audio Network

french king cake 在 Peachy Bunny Bakes Youtube 的最佳解答
Full recipe here - http://wp.me/p5YGlb-aL
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- https://youtu.be/X79-70QNSFk
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Music Courtesy of Audio Network
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french king cake 在 Galette des Rois-King Cake | Recipe - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
The nerd in me is really fascinated with cultural food traditions. I'll admit I had never heard of galette des rois, “King's cake” in French, ... ... <看更多>
french king cake 在 PAUL Malaysia - The French King Cake aka Galette de Rois... 的推薦與評價
The French King Cake aka Galette de Rois is now available at #PAULMalaysia! A classic French pastry, it is buttery puff pastry filled with delicious... ... <看更多>