My talk at Hong Kong Book Fair 2021, it’s tomorrow!!!! No worry if you have not register yourself, you may also attend as a walk-in guest 💕💕💕
Date: 19/7
Time: 3:30-5pm
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, room S423-424
Admission is free, however you may register yourself online for the priority entry. Link on bio.
I will be sharing my experience, wisdom and inspiration I have gained from those “big brains” in contemporary culinary world , such as @alainducasse , @alain_passard , @ferranadria , @thehestonblumenthalteam , @reneredzepinoma , @yannickalleno , @therealnobu , @hirohisa_koyama , @anaros40 , @lanshuchen ….. and the young power @ivan_berezutskiy , @sergeyberezutskiy , @chefvickycheng who brought the new concept to the culinary industry!
Also I am going to share my food review insights on the spot as my readers ask me such questions from time to time: how to understand a dish logic & flavour structure? How to distinguish the chef’s style in seconds? How to justify the technical volume of a dish? If this is something you’re looking for, please come to join me and having the sharing together!!
今年我會在香港書展辦講座,日期是7 月19 號,時間:3:30pm-5pm。講題:《改變世界的味道》, 顧名思義,跟我的新書有關。到時也會分享一下食評心得,因為不時有讀者來問我,是怎樣吃得懂法國菜?為什麼會看懂邏輯?怎樣看味道結構?怎樣秒懂大廚的手法、風格?怎樣吃懂技術含量?
#worldchangingflavours #agnescheefoodcritic #foodwriter #author #chefsinterview #foodtalk #agnescheetalk
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ferranadria 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Facebook 的最佳解答
Hello my friends!! Happy to announce I will be having a talk at Hong Kong Book Fair this year for my new book 「World-Changing Flavours」,insight into 18 forward thinkers in the contemporary culinary world. The book is a chef’s interview selection which I carefully selected 18 of them among hundred chefs I have interviewed in the past 10 years to make this compilation.
Date: 19/7
Time: 3:30-5pm
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, room S423-424
Admission is free, however you may register yourself online for the priority entry. Link on bio.
I will be sharing my experience, wisdom and inspiration I have gained from those “big brains” in contemporary culinary world , such as @alainducasse , @alain_passard , @ferranadria , @thehestonblumenthalteam , @reneredzepinoma , @yannickalleno , @therealnobu , @hirohisa_koyama , @anaros40 , @lanshuchen ….. and the young power @ivan_berezutskiy , @sergeyberezutskiy , @chefvickycheng who brought the new concept to the culinary industry!
Also I am going to share my food review insights on the spot as my readers ask me such questions from time to time: how to understand a dish logic & flavour structure? How to distinguish the chef’s style in seconds? How to justify the technical volume of a dish? If this is something you’re looking for, please come to join me and having the sharing together!!
今年我會在香港書展辦講座,日期是7 月19 號,時間:3:30pm-5pm。講題:《改變世界的味道》, 顧名思義,跟我的新書有關。到時也會分享一下食評心得,因為不時有讀者來問我,是怎樣吃得懂法國菜?為什麼會看懂邏輯?怎樣看味道結構?怎樣秒懂大廚的手法、風格?怎樣吃懂技術含量?
#worldchangingflavours #agnescheefoodcritic #foodwriter #author #chefsinterview #foodtalk #agnescheetalk
ferranadria 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Facebook 的最佳貼文
說起來仍是有點不可思議——8月中我收到一個邀請,10月30號到意大利都靈(Torino)出席一個10手餐會,陣容鼎盛非常吸引:有兩位意大利三星名廚⋯⋯2017年的「世界最佳女主廚」⋯⋯⋯以及Albert Adria和Ferran Adria兩兄弟........
此邀請不可抗拒的吸引力來自Adria兩兄弟的聯手出擊,特別是Ferran Adria,自從El Bulli在2011年7月劃上休止符後,多年來外界不時引頸期盼他的新動向——直到前年,他宣佈和意大利頂級咖啡品牌Lavazza合作,在他們位於都靈的總部開設新餐廳Condividere.......
⋯⋯特別是Condividere的總廚Federico Zanasi說,他和Ferran Adria為了開發具有強烈意大利特色、具有辨識度風格又有故事的菜式,花了很長時間去研究意大利菜的歷史,從現代一路尋根探源到古羅馬。以做學問的精神去研發菜式,世上無幾人,這種瘋狂,令人隱隱想起當年的El Bulli......
這餐會選址都靈,又能邀得Adria兄弟一起共襄盛舉,我相信或多或少跟Condividere這個以Ferran Adria掛帥的項目有關係⋯⋯⋯
三年前在巴塞隆拿跟Ferran Adria做過一個獨家專訪,專訪後也參與了由他導覽的El Bulli lab拜訪行程。也許是我的想像力太豐富,又或者仍活在El Bulli餐廳震赫江湖的名氣當中,以為El Bulli lab是一個佈滿精密儀器的實驗室,必須穿上保護衣進入,科學人員全神貫注進行對於未來食物的實驗…..
「我最終想做的事,其實並不是教育更不是教你烹飪和分子料理的技術,而是一起探討無窮無盡的知識,從知識裏產生想法,再從想法裏傳達訊息,進而探索到新的烹飪領域。」那就是可以期待分子料理之後的革命性技術?Ferran Adria斬釘截鐵地說當然可以,分子料理的重點其實並不是技術,而是背後的思想模式⋯⋯⋯
我想他自己也在尋找一個關於烹飪的全新可能和方向,而分子料理,雖然它曾經引領過未來,但畢竟已經過去,當然最好是留在過去。Ferran Adria有的不單止是科學家頭腦,還有做人的智慧⋯⋯
ferranadria 在 Ferran Adria: Light the touch paper & stand well back 的推薦與評價
Apr 1, 2014 - Ferran Adria is an enigma. ... The team @Abadia Retuerta LeDomaine with #ferranadria & #Andoni #ferranconclave Ferran Adria. More like this. ... <看更多>
ferranadria 在 Ferran Adria - What Makes a Great Chef - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Without a doubt a great chef. Has created and inspired the next generation of chefs and restaurants with his modern molecular gastronomy. ... <看更多>
ferranadria 在 #ferranadria - Explore | Facebook 的推薦與評價
explore #ferranadria at Facebook. ... Kevreañ. Forgot Account? #ferranadria. #ferranadria. ... <看更多>