”關於性別數據落差很重要的一點,就是一般來說並非惡意或是故意的,事實跟這些相反。這是一個數千年下來慣性思考觀點的結果,是一種不用刻意去思考的預設立場 ..因為當我們一般說到“人類”,我們預設的是男性”
(One of the most important things to say about the gender data gap is that it is not generally malicious, or even deliberate. Quite the opposite. It is simply the product of a way of thinking that has been around for millennia and is therefore a kind of not thinking... Because when we say human, on the whole, we mean man.)
這本書最重要的觀點,是當世界大部分的事物,包括物品,醫療,制度等等,以男性為預設立場來設計時,即便並非刻意的排擠,但因著男女需求的不同,自然產生了排擠作用。而女性在這些沒有考慮到他們需求的設計中,產生的效果就會打折,然後就會加強 “女性比較弱,比較麻煩” 的既有刻板印象。大家可以想像當你在做一個市場調查時,如果一個客群佔50 %,甚至超過一點點,我們還會把它看成 “特例”,或是 “利基市場” 嗎?
本書作者身為經濟學家,把這些社會科學所能找尋到的各種數據,做了一個相當完整的呈現。有很多甚至連我自己身為女性都不知道的。以心臟病為例,書中講到我們大部分人想到的症狀,是所謂 “好萊塢式的心臟病” ,就是我們常常在電視電影當中看到一個人,痛苦地捂著胸口。但書中講到有不少的一部分女性,他們心臟病發的症狀不是胸口痛,反而是腹部的一些不適或是頭暈,因著這些數據相對不被重視,不少的女性因為這樣而錯失搶救的先機了。
建議大家在讀這本書的時候,試著拋開我們在台灣的經驗,因為在很多的例子當中,身在台灣的我們可能不太容易想像 (包括落後國家女性沒有安全的廁所,女性難民受到的暴力威脅,等等)。作者在許多的訪談章中常舉一個例子(書中也有寫):相較於男廁,女廁總是大排長龍,這背後的設計表面上看似公平,但仔細分析起來卻不見得是如此。這一段相信所有的女生讀了,都可以感同身受。
作者最後用一個很有趣的例子,來說明納入女性的觀點和數據,如何帶來突破。1997 年,在美國康乃爾大學有一場數學論壇,學者們試著要將數學理論上的雙曲空間在實體事件能夠展現出來。在場男性的數學家試著用紙張折出這些曲面 (很難吧)。一名從拉脫維亞來的女數學家 Daina Tamina靈光一現,立刻開始用打毛線做出針織作品,成功的將理論上的雙曲空間,用實體的方式呈現。當這個被歸類為女性化的經驗,在一個被歸類為男性化的數學學界中,帶出截然不同的視角時,新的一條路就這麼走出來了。
雖然這個世界還有很大的進步空間可以更加的包容,但我是抱持著正面的態度。當家中五歲小男孩看見我這本書的封面時,立刻問我 “為什麼上面沒有女生?” ,我給他看書的封面設計,女性圖像是隱藏的,並跟他解釋這本書就是在說明這件事。他似懂非懂的問“為什麼會隱形呢?應該大家都要在上面”
#InvisibleWomen #CarolineCriadoPerez #Datascience #BigData #被隱形的女性 #大數據 #社會科學
deliberate中文 在 葉漢浩 Alex Ip Facebook 的最佳解答
URGENT! Sign the petition to German Parliament NOW!
If we collect more than 50000 signatures within 28 days (deadline being Christmas Day), Petition Committee of German Parliament will have to hold a public hearing on solid actions to support human rights in Hong Kong.
HOWEVER, we're not even reaching one-tenth of goal, and we only have 18 days left! The procedure is not as straightforward, but please follow this video and ask everyone to sign.
Subject of petition: Stop the humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong with immediate concrete measures by the Federal Government
👉 聯署網址 Petition website: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/…/…/_23/Petition_99604.html
English teaching video for signing the petition: https://youtu.be/c3rSaJzd_8o
聯署信的英譯請轆到最低參閱!The English translation of petition content is attached below, please scroll down to read.
Germany Stand with Hong Kong
[English Translation of Petition]
Safeguard Hong Kong, No More Suppression on Human Rights!
We are a group of Hongkongers living in Germany. Due to the out-of-hand violence of the Hong Kong Police Force (hereinafter referred to as the "HKPF"), the social movement in Hong Kong has turned into a humanitarian disaster. We call on the Federal Republic of Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Federal Government”) to provide emergency assistance and we urge the Federal Government to take immediate and practicable action.
Abusive use of weapons and dereliction of duty by HKPF:
1. Protesters and passengers were assaulted by suspected triad groups in metro stations, and police only arrived 40 minutes after reports were made (Yuen Long MTR station on 21 July; similar attacks happened in Tsuen Wan and North Point on 5 August and 11 August respectively)
2. Mishandling a teenage female protester by male police officers, exposing her body parts during the arrest (Tin Shui Wai on 4 Aug)
3. Manipulation and deliberate planting of evidence (eg. putting sharp bamboo stick into protester’s backpacks, unsealing evidence bags that should remain sealed until presented at court)
4. 3 Members of Legislative Council, and more student activists were arrested by the police and 2 organizers of demonstrations were attacked by thugs on 30 August which is the eve of a massive demonstration
5. Police stormed the metro station, beat protesters and passengers in the station and on the train, closed all the exits and then expel all reporters and first-aiders from the metro station (Prince Edward MTR station on 31 Aug)
In order to protect German expatriates and the interests of German enterprises in Hong Kong, as well as to protect the human rights of EU citizens in Hong Kong, we urge the Federal Government to consider taking the following actions:
1. Halt all export of crowd control equipment and “less-lethal” weaponry to Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
2. Express concerns regarding the escalating tension in Hong Kong and safety of German expatriates in Hong Kong
3. Deploy official Human Rights Observer to Hong Kong and to make an independent observation at the frontline
4. Acknowledge that protesters in Hong Kong may be persecuted on political grounds and adjust its asylum policy to Hong Kong asylum seekers
5. Halt any cooperation and exchange programme with the HKPF
6. Forbid entry into the EU / Revoke the right of abode or EU citizenship (if any) / Freeze the assets in EU of senior officers of Hong Kong Government and pro-China legislators and their immediate family members (if any)
made up of lovable Hongkongers,
who yearn for freedom, democracy and human rights,
was, is now and ever will be
a FREE PORT which belongs to the world of civilization.
deliberate中文 在 徐薇老師 Facebook 的精選貼文
薇寶們「 deliberate」中文意思是「深思熟慮」
和libra 秤,有甚麼關係呢?
#見字拆字 「字首de」表示甚麼意思呢?
📌請準時鎖定今晚21:00粉專直播 #我的家教是徐薇
deliberate中文 在 deliberate - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
deliberate · adj. 深思熟慮的,慎重的,謹慎的;故意的,蓄意的[Z] · vi. 仔細考慮,思考[(+about/on/upon)];商議[(+with)] · vt. 仔細考慮,深思熟慮;商議[+wh-] ... ... <看更多>
deliberate中文 在 deliberate-翻译为中文-例句英语 的相關結果
使用Reverso Context: deliberate targeting, deliberate attacks, deliberate policy, deliberate destruction, deliberate effort,在英语-中文情境中 ... ... <看更多>
deliberate中文 在 deliberate中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
deliberate 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 · Some women make a deliberate choice to rear a child alone. · Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this ... ... <看更多>