上年細B紅豆考K嘅時候出師不利,又加上坐唔定,收到幼稚園offer的數目寥寥可數(當中有我幾喜歡的靈糧堂,但紅豆爸話學校係happy school,唔俾讀),媽媽我受到好大打擊。
講真,無心儀幼稚園offer,你話唔care就假嘅,當連收到幾間幼稚園都話係waiting時,我已經麻木左。 安慰自己,同自己講好彩紅豆係9月細B (但又唔係算好細)下年可以有take two的機會再考。
雖然全部waiting都係名校幼稚園,但無收到reject letter已經當贏 (我心態很好) 因為係waiting letter即代表小朋友仲有機會,最後我鎖定左2間九龍塘超心儀熱門S頭同老牌K頭幼稚園,開始寫求位信。 由上年放成績寫到今年6月,其中K幼稚園終於call waiting call中我啦,但要紅豆再一次面試,仲要係好弱的zoom interview。 面試完,K校主任話如果有後補位都可能會係8月或9月通知。之後眼見同期zoom in的後補小朋友係8月頭都有offer,我地等到8月尾都杳無音訊,個心再次死死地,之後抱住唔寫唔寫都寫左好幾封求位信去學校,就係8月尾再寫埋最後一封,再無消息就疊埋心水呢年再考過啦。
喂,點知我上個星期(9月10日)收到K校打黎通知我話有位俾我,問我要唔要,媽咪~我得左啦~ 仲洗問嘅, 我係咁話要呀要呀……等左你地電話好耐啦!!!!!收線個刻成個人仲好激動,抱起紅豆狂轉圈圈,我諗紅豆個刻會以為阿媽傻左。
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《臥底 8》
「都唔係㗎,嚴格嚟講只係同呢班幾年冇郁過嘅客破冰,起碼傾嘅嘢好solid,暫時係一間落咗單,其他幾間未真正send PO嚟。」
姐夫:「呢行有幾大吖?做同類型product又入流嘅,香港得三至四間,以前喺度做嘅同事有腳會走㗎嘛,去咗competitor公司有幾奇?其中一個當年係同Louis炒大鑊走嘅,Louis以前都好麻煩㗎,係呢一兩年回晒塘,當年個同事仲私下向我反映Sales Team嘅問題,佢唔係第一個㗎喇,坦白講,你估我作為老細睇唔到咩,但係Sales Team係公司命脈,啲人唔係話炒就炒,可能會帶走啲客,所以一定要部署,何況唔會有證據見到Daniel同佢老婆瓜分啲客。」
姐夫:「當年呢個Sales走,係同Louis唔啱,佢去見工,Louis唔畀HR出一封正常嘅reference letter,死都要親自操刀,寫人哋係畀公司炒,個Sales根本搵唔到工,特別係做返呢行,佢冇晒辦法唯有搵我,然後我親自出封reference letter畀佢,仲同HR講,如果有人打嚟reference check直接駁畀我。搵食啫,唔使趕盡殺絕,香港好細㗎咋,封晒佢後路,反咬你一口咪仲煩,個Sales係憎Louis唔係Daniel,不過佢有次行街撞到Daniel拖住個女人同個小朋友,而個女人就係佢公司個Sales Manager,仲有send相畀我。」
姐夫:「正常競爭有咩好驚?做生意係鬥質素、服務、價錢,來來去去都係呢幾味,但係我忍唔到公司內部嘅來價、定價、下一步點做,仲有好多數據都畀人拎出去睇住嚟食,睇住嚟copy,你仲要mark高個價等我公司自動投降,連公平競爭嘅機會都冇,有班客睇完quotation連入場劵都唔畀我,而呢班客全部都係Daniel老婆手上嘅大客,有一排真係嬲到瞓唔著,好在晚晚Pillowtalk 有你家姐安慰我。」
第二日返工開例會,Louis率先宣布肥仔風會上深圳office睇住,Daniel就未見動靜,後來姐夫解釋,愈係聲大大,愈係強調自己隨時可以走嘅人,其實根本就唔想走,嗰啲真正會走嘅人,心裡面揀好日子,頭也不回就bye bye㗎喇,所以未擔心過。其實肥仔風本身可以留喺香港,但見我話呢條友會令同事產生負面情緒,求其掟埋上去當陪Daniel囉,雖然未知最奸嗰個會點揀。
至於點解條team嘅基層好似走馬燈咁轉,Old Seafood又踢極唔走,原因就係上面要維護自己嘅利益,下面班人冇肉食,好多嘢綁手綁腳好難做,又撳住唔畀你上,工作冇突破,仲要迎合咁多文化同規矩,又要陪笑,久而久之,正常人會自動走,留低嘅都係願意埋堆、聽話,仲有回晒塘嘅人。
然後我哋都忍唔住笑,心諗點拆先好呢?跟住就收到Candy WhatsApp:「今晚得唔得閒呀?阿爸阿媽去親戚屋企食飯,不如你上嚟吖,我煮飯畀你食,敢唔敢食先?」
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offer letter sample 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
【暑期實習】美國 ETS 總部 TOEIC、TOEFL、GRE 試題撰寫給(ㄍㄠ)薪實習,開始招收啦
英語系 / 應用語言學系的學生們,想在 ETS 總部普林斯頓度過充實的 2020年暑假嗎?ETS 又在招募實習生了,提供給大家~(有關申請上的問題請直接寫給下方 email的 Dave Yanchuk,不要寫給我和創勝文教嘿)
2020 ETS English Language Learning & GRE® Verbal Summer Institute: Paid Summer Associate Positions Available
The English Language Learning (ELL) group and the GRE® Verbal group in the Assessment and Learning Technology Development Division of Educational Testing Service (ETS) expect to hire approximately 24 associates for the summer of 2020.
ELL summer associates will produce materials for use on large-scale, high-stakes standardized tests of English language proficiency. Each summer associate will work on one of the following:
• TOEFL iBT® Test
The TOEFL iBT test is taken by nonnative speakers of English who are planning to apply to a college or university in an English-speaking country.
• TOEIC® Tests
The TOEIC tests are taken principally by people who need to communicate with both native and nonnative speakers of English in the context of the global workplace.
• GRE Verbal test summer associates will produce materials for use on large-scale, high-stakes standardized tests to assess readiness for graduate-level work. Specifically, they will help develop assessment materials for the Verbal Reasoning measure, which assesses complex verbal reasoning skills.
The test development work is intellectually challenging and rewarding. The work may include:
✔︎ writing items that test knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension
✔︎ writing items that test analytical reasoning
✔︎ identifying academic texts that are suitable for testing reading comprehension, critical reading, and analytical skills
✔︎ creating conversations and talks that test listening comprehension
✔︎developing scenarios and prompts that allow candidates to demonstrate their speaking or writing skills
The program runs from July 6th through August 14th (6 weeks) for all ELL test sections, and from July 6th through July 31st (4 weeks) for GRE Verbal. Summer associates are expected to work 8:30–5:00, Monday through Friday, for their entire program, and will receive attractive compensation.
All work is conducted at the ETS Rosedale campus in Princeton, New Jersey. Summer associates must provide or arrange their own housing and transportation.
The TOEFL iBT test, TOEIC tests, and GRE Verbal test are global measures, so ETS actively seeks candidates who can bring diverse experiences and perspectives to the work. The Summer Institute workforce includes people from a variety of backgrounds, such as undergraduate students, graduate students, teachers, professors, and professional writers. ELL program applicants must have completed at least some undergraduate work to be considered. GRE Verbal applicants must have completed at least a master’s degree (or possess equivalent experience) to be considered.
All summer associates must have appropriate authorization to work in the United States. If you do not currently have U.S. work authorization, please note: Some candidates who receive an offer to be a summer associate may be able to apply for a CPT or an OPT work authorization visa if enrolled at a U.S. university. Check with your university’s international student services office or program coordinator for eligibility before applying to the ETS Summer Institute. CPT visas can usually be acquired quickly, while OPT visas typically take longer. Candidates who receive an offer and who need a CPT or an OPT visa should apply for one of these visas immediately upon accepting our offer. Summer associates must have a very high degree of fluency in English but do not need to be native speakers.
Each of the test sections hiring for the summer is associated with a specific work sample. You will need to complete and submit a separate work sample for each test section for which you would like to be considered.
⚑ Directions for completing and submitting your work sample(s), along with a cover letter and résumé, are posted on the ETS Summer Institute Web site at
Applications are due Friday, January 31, 2020. Applicants are selected mainly on the basis of their performance on the work samples. Work samples will be evaluated in February and March, and you will be notified of your status by Friday, March 13, 2020. For questions, please contact Recruiting
Consultant Dave Yanchuk at DYanchuk@ets.org
January 31, 2020
Application deadline
March 13, 2020
Applicants notified of decisions
July 6, 2020
July 31, 2020
1st day of the ETS Summer Institute for all test sections
Last day of the GRE Verbal Summer Institute
August 14, 2020
Last day of the ELL Summer Institute
offer letter sample 在 Job Offer Letter Template - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
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