【談判僵局難化解 北韓恐採「勒索外交」】
在目前的僵局下,有分析人士認為,北韓可能採取「邊緣政策」(brinkmanship),透過將情勢推到快要發動戰爭的狀態,來對拜登政府施壓。捍衛民主基金會」(Foundation for Defense of Democracies)資深研究員麥斯威爾(David Maxwell)就指出,北韓將透過「勒索外交」的形式,利用威脅、升級緊張與挑釁等手段,持續要求鬆綁制裁。
democracies 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
外交部吳部長為華府智庫 #全球台灣研究中心 GTI 線上研討會預錄的演講中,呼籲 #民主陣營團結反制威權國家的威脅。
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu pre-recorded a keynote speech for the “US-Taiwan Relations: Forging a 21st Century Agenda” online forum hosted by Washington-based policy incubator Global Taiwan Institute.
As Lithuania faces backlash from several authoritarian regimes, Minister Wu stressed the need for democracies to work in solidarity to defend our values against these authoritarian threats and Taiwan's role as an indispensable partner for the #UnitedStates and other democracies in today’s interconnected world.
He said that #Taiwan is more than willing to share our knowledge on ways to tackle China’s united-front tactics and threats to democracy as growing authoritarian power attempts to reshape the rules-based international system.
"By working together, democracy will prevail, and Taiwan will prevail."
democracies 在 我是台灣人.台灣是咱的國家 Facebook 的精選貼文
美國友人 Lindell Lucy 登上富士山倡議
democracies 在 Community of Democracies: CoD 的相關結果
The Community of Democracies is a global coalition of states that support adherence to common democratic values and standards enshrined in the Warsaw ... ... <看更多>
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The Alliance of Democracies Foundation and our founder, Anders Fogh Rasmussen wishes you all a happy International Democracy Day! Check out a message from our ... ... <看更多>
democracies 在 Democracy - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing ... ... <看更多>