【#SKY環球食譜】巴斯克燉雞搭配北菲小米 | 蜜兒廚房@MAB MAK
巴斯克芝士蛋糕近年都很出名,唔知道巴斯克燉雞(Poulet Basquaise)你有無聽過呢?係法國🇫🇷南部巴斯克地區嘅鄉村菜式,位於法國西南方與西班牙🇪🇸東北方交界的庇里牛斯山區,政治上分屬法國及西班牙兩國,文化上也深受兩國影響,燉菜裡的紅椒、青椒和洋蔥🧅恰好和巴斯克旗的紅、綠、白三個顏色一樣。跟意大利🇮🇹嘅獵人燉雞(Pollo alla cacciatora)又有點相似做法,食材上差異唔係好大。
👩🏻🍳 選用SKY Premium Chicken 冰鮮帶皮雞下腿,法式五大母醬之一嘅蕃茄紅醬(Sauce Tomat),巴斯克燉雞醬汁富含多個層次🤌:微辣、甘酸、煙燻香氣,簡單啲可以直接用二澳x蜜兒廚房嘅煙燻燒烤醬,🍽 可搭配麵包、烤馬鈴薯、飯及意粉都好食,今次蜜兒就搭配北菲小米飯(Couscous)😋
北菲小米 100克
雞湯 100毫升
SKY Premium Chicken 冰鮮帶皮雞下腿 2盒/6件
黃洋蔥 半個
紫洋蔥 適量
青椒 1個
紅椒 1個
番茄 2至4個(視乎大細)
水 200毫升
蜜兒廚房煙燻燒烤醬 100毫升
匈牙利甜椒粉 2茶匙
卡宴辣椒粉 2茶匙
豆蔻粉 1茶匙
鹽 2茶匙
黑椒碎 1茶匙
瑞可塔芝士(Ricotta cheese)*可加可不加
平葉番茜(Flat parsley)
Vermicular.hk 24cm日本製琺瑯鐵平底鍋
1. 把北非小米放入100毫升雞湯,煮至微滾後,加蓋悶個10分鐘直到狀態蓬鬆為止,焗好後用叉兜勻,以免Couscous黏在一起。
1. 首先洋蔥切碎;紫洋蔥刨成薄片;紅椒及青椒切絲;平葉番茜切碎,備用。
2. 用刀子除去番茄蒂頭,在底部劃上十字,放入熱水煮3至5分鐘,看到十字位蕃茄皮卷起立即取出浸泡冰水冷卻。
3. 冷卻後就可以輕鬆剝皮,切除番茄籽部份再切粒。
4. 燒熱油鑊,煎雞下腿至8成熟,盛起備用。
5. 下油炒香洋蔥,加入蕃茄、紅椒及青椒絲,
6. 放入雞下腿,再以中小火燉煮15至20分鐘至入味。
7. 轉小火,加入煙燻燒烤醬中加入鹽、黑胡椒、豆蔻粉、甜椒粉、卡宴辣椒粉調味拌勻。(瑞可塔芝士可加或不加也可)
8. 最後上碟攦上鮮蕃茜碎、紫洋蔥圈、糸唐辛子裝飾,搭配北菲小米拌吃。
👩🏻🍳 蜜兒小貼士:
• 想要番茄醬質地更滑順的話,可以再用食物調理機或其他適合的工具,把番茄醬打得更滑順,也可以利用篩網將番茄醬過篩。
• 將番茄去籽才煮,就不會越煮越酸。
#蜜兒廚房 #mabkitchen #香港女廚師 #食譜 #recipe #品牌合作 #偽出國 #舌尖去旅行 #冰鮮雞 #冰鮮雞分割品 #SKY #SKYPREMIUMCHICKEN #安心食用 #SKYFOODALWAYSGOOD #雞肉料理 #家常料理 #煙燻燒烤醬 #巴斯克燉雞 #PouletBasquaise
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同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅有口福,也在其Youtube影片中提到,炸硬粒小麥粉,搭配3種不同的餡料:肉醬,卡門貝爾起司和蔓越莓以及古斯米 — 布格麥、硬粒小麥粉、卡門貝爾起司和肉醬,聽起來像是不尋常的混合物,對吧?但是,如果依照有口福食譜的烹飪方式,那麼它的味道將會異常地美味。 謝謝觀看,別忘了訂閲我們的頻道並分享給大家,收看我們最新發布的食譜。訂閱頻道⬇️ h...
「couscous recipe」的推薦目錄:
- 關於couscous recipe 在 Mab kitchen 蜜兒廚房 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 The MeatMen Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 有口福 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於couscous recipe 在 210 Best Couscous ideas - Pinterest 的評價
couscous recipe 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳貼文
原本在Nolita的Balaboosta是我在紐約最喜歡吃早午餐的餐廳之一。餐廳主廚/老闆 Einat Admony融合了地中海和中東帶有猶太風味的料理,在紐約一堆假掰fusion和New American餐廳林立的時候,Balaboosta提供紐約客有相當獨特風格的食物。之後我還特別去買了Einat Admony寫的食譜,書名就叫Balaboosta,內容除了不會太難太複雜的料理recipe外,還有Einat對家人,對於生活所寫下的文字,讀過之後會覺得為自己愛的人下廚真的是一件幸福的事情。很推薦喜歡下廚的人買來看。
去年Balaboosta從Nolita搬到West Villiage,Einate Admony更在新搬遷餐廳不遠的地方開了一間以Moroccan couscous為主搭配不同燉肉的餐廳Kish Kash。上個月和
浪餐桌 raw kitchen 美麗版主一起去嚐鮮,兩個人吃完後都都讚不絕口。
Kish Kash菜單內容相對簡單,三種前菜,六種主菜和幾種開胃小菜。開放式的廚房可以看到好幾個色彩鮮艷le creuset鑄鐵鍋和餐廳內部以北非風格,顏色鮮明但不刺眼的壁磚色調非常搭。前菜點了輕炸,淋上tahini芝麻醬和松子與醃葡萄的白花椰。主菜則是short rib和lamb的couscous再配上爽口酸甜的北非泡菜。燉煮的牛小排和羊肉軟嫩不在話下,讓人最難忘的是北非料理所擅用的多種香料味道不慍不火的在口中散開,一口肉,一口couscous,根本不會想停下來。
這樣的餐點,其實就是北非很家庭式的食物。有時候去吃一家餐廳,食物好吃到會讓人產生想去那個國家旅行的意念,Kish Kash就是讓我吃完後真的有動起到北非一遊的念頭。他們家食物的價位在Manhattan也還算合理。是一個很適合三五好友聚會,共享溫馨美食的地方。
這一陣子介紹不少亞洲食物,但紐約畢竟是各國美食齊聚一堂的城市,不要浪費了這個生活在紐約最好的附加價值。想嚐嚐地中海和北非風味的食物,Balaboosta和Kish Kash不會讓你失望的!
couscous recipe 在 The MeatMen Facebook 的精選貼文
Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/couscous-salad-with-roasted-honey-dijon-chicken
With Christmas around the corner, here’s a colorful starter that’s not only tasty but healthy to boot! For those unaware, couscous is a fibre-rich item that is largely fat free has been trending and popular in the in various parts of the world.
We used chicken thighs for their flavour, and marinated with melted butter, dijon mustard, honey, salt, and left it overnight (or 4 hours depending). With that out of the way, you prep the oven and roast the meat, then the pumpkin. We used San Remo CousCous, made of durum wheat milled into fine semolina, as not only is it a good source of fibre, it is also easy to cook. After mixing, add in cranberries, pistachios, and mint leaves - finish it off with feta cheese and pomegranate seeds and mix.
Festive salad is now ready and good to serve for the family!
#themeatmensg #simple #delicious #couscous #sanremo #healthyrecipe
P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!
couscous recipe 在 有口福 Youtube 的最佳貼文
炸硬粒小麥粉,搭配3種不同的餡料:肉醬,卡門貝爾起司和蔓越莓以及古斯米 — 布格麥、硬粒小麥粉、卡門貝爾起司和肉醬,聽起來像是不尋常的混合物,對吧?但是,如果依照有口福食譜的烹飪方式,那麼它的味道將會異常地美味。
225 g 布格麥
110 g 硬粒小麥粉
250 ml 熱水
25 g 麵粉
1 顆 蛋
1 湯匙 番茄糊
200 g 牛絞肉
1 小顆 洋蔥 切丁
1 小瓣 大蒜
1 茶匙 百里香
1 茶匙 迷迭香
150 ml 番茄醬
50 g 莫扎瑞拉起司
1 湯匙 綜合新鮮香草
50 g 核桃 磨碎
50 g 乾蔓越莓
100 g 卡門貝爾起司
100 g 古斯米
200 ml 水
1 茶匙 茴香
1 茶匙 薑黃
50 g 紅色甜椒 切丁
1 湯匙 香芹
2. 將卡門貝爾起司切小塊,加乾蔓越莓和核桃攪拌混合。
3. 將茴香和薑黃煮沸,然後將其倒在古斯米上,接著放在有蓋的鍋內10分鐘。當古斯米吸收水分後,加入切丁的紅甜椒和新鮮的香芹,最後加鹽調味。
4. 在一個碗中混合布格麥、硬粒小麥粉和熱水,蓋上乾淨的布,靜置5分鐘。然後將此麵粉和雞蛋以及番茄醬攪拌混合,接著加鹽調味。
5. 將檸檬榨汁器倒置放在玻璃杯上,並在壓機的槽中鋪上一層保鮮膜。然後倒一點麵糊在裡面,並將麵糊壓在邊緣上,使中間有一個空洞。
6. 用3種美味的餡料之一填滿孔,並在頂部用一點麵糊覆蓋。
7. 擰緊保鮮膜,然後小心地將其從檸檬榨汁器中拉出。
8. 小心地取下保鮮膜,然後將其炸至金黃色。
想知道更多的美味食譜嗎? 請訂閱我們的頻道,不要錯過任何新影片。有口福每天為你帶來不同的食譜影片。 與您的朋友和家人分享!
couscous recipe 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hi, everyone :) today we'll show you how to make a creamy, smooth and shiny peanut butter and a delicious Taiwanese style peanut butter thick toast.
It’s SO EASY To make homemade peanut butter! I suggest strongly to make your own one. You can control the amount of salt and sweetness, and you can make it more creative. Like add some other different nuts to add more flavor. All is up to you.
Peanut butter thick toast is an iconic dish served at cafe and tea shops in Taiwan. It’s serious good. You can smell full of peanutty and roasted flavor. It’s a wonderful breakfast and afternoon snap. As long as your have peanut butter and butter at home. Hope you enjoy this video. :)
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other v er that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
Taiwanese Style Creamy, Smooth Peanut Butter Thick Toast Recipe.
☞ For peanut butter
skin raw peanuts 200g
a pinch of salt (optional)
honey 20g
peanut oil or vegetable oil 30g
☞ For peanut butter thick toast
tichk toast 2 slices
peanut butter
melted unslated butter 10g
brown sugar, a little (optional)
✎ peanut butter:
1. Wash raw peanuts thoroughly in cool water and then place them on a kitchen towel or paper towel to pat them dry.
2. Place peanuts in a single layer in a pan on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stir them often to avoid getter bitter and burn.
3. Once you smell peanutty and the color turns to be golden brown. Turn off the heat and pour out the peanuts and let cool.
4. After the peanuts have cooled, gently remove the skins by fingers or by rolling the nuts between your hands. There are a number of ways you can crunch the skins off.
5. Transfer the toasting peanuts in a food processor. Pulse the processor a few times until chopped to be crumbs.
6. Run the food processor for 1 minutes and then stop and scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. At this stage , the peanut butter will look gritty and dry like couscous.
7. Run the processor for another minute, then stop and scrape down the sides. At this stage, the texture will start clumping together.
8. Add a pinch of salt, honey, and vegetable oil. You may need to run the processor for many times depends on the power of your food processor.
9. Continue processing the butter until it becomes completely shiny, smooth.
10. Taste and add more salt or honey if needed. Transfer the peanut butter to storage container. It's down.
✎ peanut butter thick toast:
1. You can buy a sliced bread, or you only have unsliced one, then cut a 1" slice.
2. Cut the bread at each diagonal, this will make it easier to break off pieces.
3. Brush one side of bread with melt butter. Sprinkle a little brown sugar (optional).
4. Spread peanut butter on the toast.
5. Preheat the oven to 190°C, bake for 8-9 minutes until the top coating had dried and hardened somewhat. Enjoy.
couscous recipe 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/couscous-salad-with-roasted-honey-dijon-chicken
With Christmas around the corner, here’s a colorful starter that’s not only tasty but healthy to boot! For those unaware, couscous is a fibre-rich item that is largely fat free has been trending and popular in the in various parts of the world.
We used chicken thighs for their flavour, and marinated with melted butter, dijon mustard, honey, salt, and left it overnight (or 4 hours depending). With that out of the way, you prep the oven and roast the meat, then the pumpkin. We used San Remo CousCous, made of durum wheat milled into fine semolina, as not only is it a good source of fibre, it is also easy to cook. After mixing, add in cranberries, pistachios, and mint leaves - finish it off with feta cheese and pomegranate seeds and mix.
Festive salad is now ready and good to serve for the family!
#themeatmensg #simple #delicious #couscous #sanremo #healthyrecipe
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couscous recipe 在 210 Best Couscous ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
May 15, 2021 - Explore Nana's Food's board "Couscous ", followed by 2622 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about couscous, recipes, couscous recipes. ... <看更多>