yoga practice 在 瑜人路上|7/29(四)20:00 瑜珈直播 30分鐘 平衡穩定、提升專注力 活力瑜伽 的影片資訊
紀律強化意志、動作產生能量、平衡意志與臣服。 刻意練習著不斷的在失衡、平衡中來回,專注、覺知並且調節失衡的狀態找回身體、心靈的平衡。 相信我是有力量的,我是自己的主人, Practice, Pra...
紀律強化意志、動作產生能量、平衡意志與臣服。 刻意練習著不斷的在失衡、平衡中來回,專注、覺知並且調節失衡的狀態找回身體、心靈的平衡。 相信我是有力量的,我是自己的主人, Practice, Pra...
On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel, Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to elim...
A 45- Minute Power Vinyasa Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan. This powerful sequence focuses on twist...
On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel, Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to elim...
A 15- Minute Gentle Pregnancy Yoga practice suitable for beginners and mommas in all trimesters. Fe...
A 45- Minute Power Vinyasa Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan. This powerful sequence focuses on a ful...
[NEW] Relieve neck stiffness in 3 seconds! "Eliminate back pain and s...
SERI các bài tập hiệu quả nhất. *Tập Bụng trên giường : *Tập BÀI BỤNG H...
An energising and powerful 40- Minute Vinyasa Power Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan. This multi- le...
[NEW] Relieve back pain in 3 seconds! "Relieve back pain and stiff sh...