went for 中文 在 一日在宜蘭輕鬆的午後:田邊網美咖啡廳 + 超美的三層瀑布 | An Afternoon in Beautiful Yilan, Taiwan 的影片資訊
這次的旅遊vlog我們來到宜蘭,先去一間網路上有名的咖啡廳吃點東西、拍拍照,然後再去五峰旗瀑布輕鬆的走一走,順便試用我們新的穩定器!希望這次的影片可以帶給你們不一樣的感受。謝謝你們收看! For t...
這次的旅遊vlog我們來到宜蘭,先去一間網路上有名的咖啡廳吃點東西、拍拍照,然後再去五峰旗瀑布輕鬆的走一走,順便試用我們新的穩定器!希望這次的影片可以帶給你們不一樣的感受。謝謝你們收看! For t...
這天是我在里加的最後一天,參加完徒步導覽,我和一群新朋友去了26層樓高的酒吧喝下午茶。一個人的旅行不是一個人,當天我們認識了彼此,聊得很開心!一起登高俯瞰整座里加舊城區,雖然天氣冷,但心暖暖的~ 其中...
The other day I went into a bunch of typical American Chinese takeout restaurants as an ordinary but...
Today I went to NYC’s Flushing Chinatown to rap Ninja by Jay Chou (忍者 by 周杰倫), and totally shocked p...
Today we went to Flushing, New York City’s biggest Chinatown, to chat with Chinese locals in Mandari...
Today me and my friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get dim sum in Chinatown and she totally ...
Today me and friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get boba tea (bubble tea) in Chinatown and s...
The other day we went out to get a haircut in NYC’s Chinatown at one of its amazing barber shops. We...
#how do I #cyberediting #crash NO SERIOUS INJURIES... Both rider and passenger were able to walk. T...
The other day we white guys who speak perfect Chinese went out to NYC’s Chinatown to the nail salon....