splat 在 SURPRISE BIRTHDAY FOR MY BFF (guide for art hoes in singapore) 的影片資訊
i love you so so much Sarah! you're the light of my life and thank you for always having my back. th...
i love you so so much Sarah! you're the light of my life and thank you for always having my back. th...
今回のひめちゃんねるは、「Roller Splat!」に初挑戦しました! 迷路を塗り上げていくゲームなのですが、サクサク塗り上げていくのが爽快! こんなの簡単だよ〜!って言いながら進めるのですが、レベ...
Greetings. My name is themblan, and I am a boy-gamer. Today, I jumped back into Ranked Battle. Splat...
It's a beautiful Sunday-morning. Let us play some relaxing Turf War on one of my favorite maps -- Ca...
That Splatoon 2 tournament was fun, wasn't it? It definitely got me motivated to play more Splatoon ...
This is not a montage of celebrations in Salmon Run, just to get that out of the way. Greetings. To...
As you can see, I joined the Squid Research Laboratories. As my first assignment, I conducted resear...
#Splatoon2 #スプラトゥーン2 #スプラトゥーン C-(サブアカとガチ初心者で入り乱れる) B-(C-から繰り上げで上がってきたサブとガチ初級者で入り乱れる) メインやらかしまくったから熱が...
【Roller Splat】ボールを転がして色を塗るゲーム100レベル達成! チャンネル登録お願いします!...
挑戰漆彈大作戰的 ranked battle 其中的一種模式:佔領地盤 (splat zone)。這個模式目標是要把某一塊或是某兩塊地面上的範圍塗上自己隊漆的顏色。聽起來很容易,實際玩起來還真的蠻刺激...