speaking in english 在 【為何東西方思考模式不同】語言會影響思考的方式? 中英語言邏輯上又有哪些差異? 的影片資訊
大家有想過東西方或不同國家的思考模式為何會有不同嗎? 除了語言本身的不同,在表達事物的邏輯與認知上東西方好像都存在著不小的差異,今天來跟大家分享一下關於這個話題我的一些經驗以及一些研究,歡迎大家留...
大家有想過東西方或不同國家的思考模式為何會有不同嗎? 除了語言本身的不同,在表達事物的邏輯與認知上東西方好像都存在著不小的差異,今天來跟大家分享一下關於這個話題我的一些經驗以及一些研究,歡迎大家留...
今夜の内容🌙.*·̩͙ 今回は英語縛りASMR! けいレベルの英語でにーさんの眠気を誘っちゃうよ😪 れっつ!ごー とぅー べっど! 耳かき / マッサージ / オノマトペ etc... Thi...
BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 22:03 Podcast每週四10點一集 👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhispe...
Go to https://buyraycon.com/xiaomanyc for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. Today I’m ta...
To show off my Mandarin skills, I decided to only speak Chinese for 24 hours to my wife and in-laws ...
Phương pháp Self-talk (độc thoại) là một trong những cách giúp bạn cải thiện được kỹ năng nói của bả...
?? This is Mong Cai central market. It may look like a normal market from the outside and inside, bu...
In February 2022, I am publishing a book in English "This Monk Wears Heels" with Watkins Publishing...
?? While exploring Hai Phong for the last few days, I happened to notice one special Chinese restaur...
A few years ago I spent 3 months learning Hungarian, took a very long break, and re-started learning...