responsible for導致 在 2019/06/15王大喜-Messenger?providential?the nature? Or the handsome guy called “Jesus” 的影片資訊
2019/06/15Messenger/prophet or nature, prvodential already in god's promise land we don't have to re...
2019/06/15Messenger/prophet or nature, prvodential already in god's promise land we don't have to re...
2019/06/15你所連結、關注的一切決定了你是誰、你在哪裡 The power of Silence、because God Fight for us. Warning: all of my po...
2019/06/14 Life explore Pouring Rain- means cleanse. recently lots of sins will be revealed, meditat...
2019/06/11my life observation and record The Truth sometimes is not safe, but it's the only path wil...
Warning: all of my post are original content and my life record, everything is about time, if the pe...
2019/06/06 Sometimes our enemy attack us the most right before our Blessing arrive spiritual jouney ...
2019/05/29生命紀錄 關於慣性放棄,會影響你已經自己的孩子,身邊親近的人,這種負能量是會傳遞的! 在這個科技可以取代人的智商的社會,人的智慧及善良將是第一考量。 一個人不管再聰明,天資再好,如...
2019/05/03生命及工作記錄及心路 來自正當因素的任何負面情緒(憤怒、悲傷),皆具備療癒能量! Angry(Any Negitive emotion for right reason) all ...
whatsapp: +14258308787 ig: dtarot 其他占卜 ???????????? 他是真心喜歡我嗎?