mumrah 在 s&j《FAMiLY家》Damon's Favourite toys #StayHome 有乜嘢玩具最好玩? 的影片資訊
呢一集會又中又英因為內容好簡單 之前大家都有提過想睇吓Damon 平時係玩咩玩具 Damon actually has so much to play with it's quite hard to ...
呢一集會又中又英因為內容好簡單 之前大家都有提過想睇吓Damon 平時係玩咩玩具 Damon actually has so much to play with it's quite hard to ...
We never filmed this 2 years ago before Damon's birth. And of course this was filmed before Jamie wa...
當然呢條片就係細佬出世之前拍嘅 今次各方面嘅準備比兩年前都足 我哋Youtube拍咗嘅存貨都有幾條片 就算而家上載都唔遲(Jamie啱啱上星期先出世) 如果唔係疫情關係我哋梗係會再放鬆啲 又入院到接...
It's seems like everything is related to COVID-19... It's the reason why we don't go out... It's the...
其實今年講 COVID-19都講到厭 但係冇辦法,我哋今年要 #StayAtHome 都係因為 COVID-19! 冇得出街食飯 冇得見朋友 冇得出埠旅行 全部都係因為 COVID-19! 好多嘢原...
Having grown up in the UK and Australia, you might think all we'd have to do is listen to our doctor...
大家可能覺得我地會聽晒西醫既就算 其實咁既做法的確會簡單好多 但係身邊好多姨媽姑姐都會不停關心同教我地 咁當聽到好多唔同嘅做法,原來有好多野要小心 真係好難返到去之前所有嘢從簡 雖然咁講好似好複雜 ...
恭喜發財! 祝大家身體健康 開開心心❤️ 你地都不時問下點拍中英vlog d野係咪要講兩次? this is how we do 2 versions... it's just editing re...