lump of sugar 在 [食左飯未呀 Cookat] 朱古力夾心麵包 Chocolate Streusel Bread 的影片資訊
材料: 麵糰:高筋麵粉 150g,朱古力粉 10g,鹽 2g,砂糖 15g,酵母 3g,水 70ml,牛奶 30ml,牛油 15g 外層麵包糠:牛油 30g,花生醬 10g,砂糖 25g,蛋黃 1/2...
材料: 麵糰:高筋麵粉 150g,朱古力粉 10g,鹽 2g,砂糖 15g,酵母 3g,水 70ml,牛奶 30ml,牛油 15g 外層麵包糠:牛油 30g,花生醬 10g,砂糖 25g,蛋黃 1/2...
材料: 辣炒豬肉:豬肩肉 400g,味醂 4 tbsp,蒜 2,洋蔥 1/2,青椒 1 調味:砂糖 2 tbsp,辣椒粉 3 tbsp,蒜蓉 1 tbsp,生抽 2 tbsp,粟米糖漿 1 tbsp,...
Easy & Fluffy Matcha Swiss Roll ♡ very moist and fluffy~ Please try it! ふわふわもっちり~な抹茶のロールケーキです。 残った冷...
I mixed "sprinkle," the popular sugar topping, in the standard cookie dough and made bite-size cooki...
Shaved snow served by Wooly's. "Shaved snow is a hybrid between shaved ice and ice cream. By takin...
I got a cute cookie cutter the other day, so I made some S'mores cookies! Of course you can also use...
Japanese Milk Mochi♪ This is a nostalgic Japanese sweet made by mixing potato starch and milk. It fe...
Chocolate danish with chocolate sweet sheet. There are various sweet sheets and shapes of bread. Of ...
ハイジの白パンです。(ハイジがおばあさんに食べさせたかったふわふわの白パン) なかなかハイジの白パンにならなくて、失敗パンを毎日食べていました、、(家族が) 焼き過ぎて茶色のパンになったり、つけたはず...
桂圓甜湯圓 Longan Sweet Rice Balls 糯米糰 Glutinous Rice Balls 材料 糯米粉 450克 水 150克 紅麴粉 適量 Ingredients 450 ...