lockdown 在 Thanks to Taiwanese people his business can survive! 的影片資訊
The museum of illusions owner Damian explains the challenges he faced during level 3 lockdown... We...
The museum of illusions owner Damian explains the challenges he faced during level 3 lockdown... We...
*32-33分左右的片段因有版權疑慮,已從後台剪輯刪除。 資料來源: 近六成大學生有容貌焦慮 http://ln.people.com.cn/BIG5/n2/2021/0225/c400018-3...
Taiwan has been in a Level 3 Lockdown since May 15th. It’s pretty surreal to be experiencing the shu...
This video covers all games from 1998 to 2022 . What is your favourite Tom Clancy's Games 👉 Don't ...
This video covers all games from 1998 to 2022 . What is your favourite Tom Clancy's Games 👉 Don't ...
*Don't forget to turn on【CAPTION】 /In 2020, we have all experienced an extraordinary year. #covid19 ...
3回目の緊急事態宣言がようやく解除されて 1ヶ月半ぶりに体育館でバスケしてきました🏀 いつになったら通常に暮らしに戻れるんですかね… 今回もみなさんに楽しんでいただければと思います🏀 Hey wha...
本集廣告與「臺中市政府」合作播出 臺中市第二屆青諮會委員招募❗️熱烈開跑 🏃♀️🏃 歡迎加入臺中青諮會,一起成為改變臺中的力量! ▌號召對象:15-35 歲(民國 75 年至民國 95 年出生)...
3回目の緊急事態宣言後、 ようやくストリートコートでバスケができました🏀 今回もみなさんに楽しんでいただければと思います🏀 Hey what's up everybody? It's GKJUMPM...
Hey everyone! TGIF! Even we are under the lockdown scenario, staying at home for a really long while...