little jenny 在 吉娜教連音:跟媽媽吵架對話發音解析 (01) 精華剪輯 | 英文口說發音 | 英文對話 | 英文會話 | 吉娜英文 的影片資訊
小對話:和媽媽吵架 A: Hi, Jenny. What's up? You seem a little down. B: I had a big fight with my mom. She's ...
小對話:和媽媽吵架 A: Hi, Jenny. What's up? You seem a little down. B: I had a big fight with my mom. She's ...
吉娜解說這段對話的連音,懂得句子口說的連音、變音與消音,可以大大改善聽力,並且開口說英文,(20210814) 外師朗讀時間點:2:03:34 ---------------------------...
:^) Live streamed on my twitch channel at on 19th July 2020 !! Please like, comm...
Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: htt...
ALBS - A Little Bit Shy 小羞羞女團 雪兒Cher, Lexy, 小玥Luna, Mo旼, 噢噢Olee, Starry蜜棗棗, 柔美Yumi
以不良姿勢學樂器,會很容易受傷的! 好似我女咁,拉幾下小提琴就叫攰唔肯拉…….. =.=” 所以星期六就同女去體驗一個專為學音樂既朋友而設既瑜珈 YOGA 同平時我地上個D唔同架, 由 SAM -...
簡單易學,感謝 TAIWAN ZES Pinky 老師編這首歌 你們學會了嗎? choreography by zes pinky I don't have the copyright of th...
Official BILLbilly01 cover of Colors by Halsey featuring Jenny. For more BILLbilly01 covers, click ...
I am really excited to introduce a new addition to our team: Brandon Yap. With our plans to expand a...
open for more x happy halloween! here's few of my favourites of last month. hope u guys enjoy it ...