johnlennon 在 Imagine - John Lennon (cover) 的影片資訊
I translated it with my own interpretation. My first cover with playing the piano. Imagine there's ...
I translated it with my own interpretation. My first cover with playing the piano. Imagine there's ...
10月9日是John Lennon的80歲冥誕,謝謝903商業電台讓SENZA參與【Join The Dreamers 紀念連儂八十2020】的紀念活動,希望大家也喜歡我們演繹這首歌的A Cappel...
どっちの日本語訳が好きですか? (注)この曲が好きでたまらない方は見るのをお控えください。 ↓↓↓↓↓ 【前回の動画】 【ルール説明】 h...
希望疫症快點過去 呢個世界真係美好 啲空氣真係清新 #Imagine #JohnLennon 帶菌者Facebook專頁: 帶...
#cover #coversong #imagine #JohnLennon #HenleyHii...
happy xmas (war is over) #johnlennon #happyxmas #yokoono Shamisen player : Masakatsu. Shamisen is ...
又一次午夜自彈自唱,下次都係試下早啲錄音可能把聲會冇咁攰 ?? If you were to imagine the ideal world, what would it be like? Im...
#aanifbahrin #misteriaanif #johnlennon #imagine #thebeatles #britishpop #newworldorder #iluminati #t...
經歷文化大革命的「連儂牆守護者」曾婆婆,明白自由和人權是香港的基石,而她認為連儂牆的出現,正正能夠彰顯香港的言論自由,是她眼中的「真理之地」。 而連儂牆並非香港獨有,亦非香港「發明」,連儂牆源於19...
【EN】Cover of my all time favorite song ‘Let It Be’ by John Lennon. This is the month he passed away ...