how to pronounce in english 在 【英会話 発音】英語の発音が劇的に変わる!口と舌の使い方を一緒に練習しましょう:難関「Y」 的影片資訊
どうしてネイティブと英会話ができないのか?それは『日本人発音』だからです。発音と一緒にレパートリーも増やしましょう! ⇒
どうしてネイティブと英会話ができないのか?それは『日本人発音』だからです。発音と一緒にレパートリーも増やしましょう! ⇒
Does your kid love animals? Do they know how to pronounce different animal names, identify different...
Does your kid love animals? Do they know how to pronounce different animal names, identify different...
Today I am teaching Allan how to pronounce IKEA product names! CHECK OUT HIS VIDEO HERE: https://ww...
Learn names of fruits and vegetables with toy velcro cutting fruits and vegetables In this video we...
Does your kid love fruits and vegetables? Do they know how to pronounce them and do you want to trai...
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Learn names of fruits and vegetables with toy velcro cutting fruits and vegetables In this video we...
你的小朋友喜歡恐龍嗎?他們懂得不同恐龍的名稱嗎?來一起學習吧! Do they know how to pronounce the different type of Dinosaur and id...