hkinterview 在 ⟦Pumpkinjenn⟧ 點解叫PUMPKIN?! 5個W全方位了解Influencer是怎樣煉成的! - Bloop3 ep.11 的影片資訊
Pumpkinjenn 由學生時代已經喜歡拍片, 由最初被同學恥笑到現在超過200k subscribers, 當中有什麼心路歷程? 今次我哋會由頭講到尾! Video by Henry Leun...
Pumpkinjenn 由學生時代已經喜歡拍片, 由最初被同學恥笑到現在超過200k subscribers, 當中有什麼心路歷程? 今次我哋會由頭講到尾! Video by Henry Leun...
Bloop Bloop Bloop: EP.2 : “T-Ma Career Beginnings” "FISHTANK" Presents another episode of ”Bloop Bl...
"FISHTANK" Presents the first episode of "Bloop Bloop Bloop”: a podcast, interview, deep talk, and c...
Bloop Bloop Bloop | Episode 3 "T-Ma Music Production Talk" "FISHTANK" Presents another episode of ”...