give it to me中文 在 愛的手勢舞 Cutest Couple Dance Challenge【情侶挑戰】Try it with us! ? 的影片資訊
This couple dance has recently been trending in Asia and we thought we would give it a try! It took ...
This couple dance has recently been trending in Asia and we thought we would give it a try! It took ...
"I have a dream. That one day, this nation will rise up.” - Martin Luther King “我梦想有一天,有一天,这个国家将会奋起。...
18900won(HKD$130)任食炭燒一等級韓牛 吃到飽 ?! 連韓國人都推薦、送超多小菜&HKD$243吞拿魚刺身的著名日式壽司店 真的抵食/值得去 ?! 想買性價比高的眼鏡&太陽眼鏡要去邊...
去韓國首爾旅遊住邊好? 今天就要介紹這間性價比極高 + 地理位置超好的韓國住宿!! 呢間民宿位於麻浦區上水 ,好近地鐵站+弘大商圈 :) 房子設計走簡約loft風, 乾淨又舒適~ 屋主人很好, 會親...
Japanese house and apartment tour of a new quality way of living in Tokyo for an affordable price. ...
Hi everyone, this is the series I want to share the most - my yoga dairy! As yoga is a big part of m...
【兒歌醫生】 ?:「醫生呀,我……」 ?:「我知你想講咩,唔打針得唔得嘛,唔得!」 ?:「我知,但係呢,打針真係好痛?…」 ?:「痛幾秒啫,又唔係痛一世,等我唱返首歌俾你聽!?」 每個人細個都經歷過打...
*有中文字幕!!!大家別忘了打開CC字幕觀看唷😊!(我花了快4個小時弄的呀😂 精準地上字幕好累!) *這次我主要是扮演主持人的角色,所以沒有發表什麼意見。之後沒意外的話會另外拍我在日本待半年的心得分享...
改編翻唱 Last christmas (In the style of Ashley Tisdale) UTIN Facebook:
Song written and sang by Nate Olson 黄智祥 Check out his Facebook: