generation make me better 在 Xiaomi Amazfit Bip Lite Smartwatch Unboxing 的影片資訊
Xiaomi Amazfit Bip Lite Smartwatch Unboxing This Video is Sponsard!!! Buy here!!! https://m.gearb...
Xiaomi Amazfit Bip Lite Smartwatch Unboxing This Video is Sponsard!!! Buy here!!! https://m.gearb...
新一代Zhiyun Crane 3 Lab穩定器果然進步了很多!很榮幸有這機會來開箱這穩定器!非常高期待使用Zhiyun Crane 3 Lab穩定器來拍東西!超帥的!感谢Zhiyun的赞助! 30天...
OMG! Follow me around Generation Beauty LA 2018 as ipsy's NEWEST in-house creator (?) and then aroun...
a Kyle Le vlog. Please write me on What my mother thinks: 2:27 Sk...
HI 大家好, 我是Ashley, 老媽喜歡到酒樓飲茶, 趁今天是閒日, 人數較少, 而我又放假, 就去飲茶吧! 當有位子而茶水又準備好時, 第一時間都會先洗餐具 (如碗筷、杯等),主要目的是怕消毒得...
Hello beautiful ones, This video is for all the beautiful and strong ones out there dealing with h...