extra發音 在 Dena不藏私!這招讓你秒有美式英文口音! 的影片資訊
這部敲到不行的影片真的欠超久我知道!!! OPEN FOR MORE INFO 打開我有更多資訊 __ ✧ Extra Notes 補充內容 我要再次聲明!注重母音的發音是我覺得往美式腔調前進的第...
這部敲到不行的影片真的欠超久我知道!!! OPEN FOR MORE INFO 打開我有更多資訊 __ ✧ Extra Notes 補充內容 我要再次聲明!注重母音的發音是我覺得往美式腔調前進的第...
Of course we should punish vice. No doubt about it. But mere punishment does not help tackle the rea...
As promised when I reached 85,000 I would try one of Taiwan's most famous and heart-stopping delicac...
After a HUGE FAIL in the first video together I return to Taipei to film a SUPER FUN video teaching ...
A short video wishing some certain people a MERRY Christmas! 一段簡短的視頻,祝愿某些人聖誕快樂! #聖誕節 #xmas #teamVV...
I get my fashion sense analyzed by Sherry Lu of super cool apparel store, HOPES Taiwan before she se...
Join me and a group of my friends as we get invited to eat amazing food, drink a 'few' beers and pla...
I sit down with Shaun Bettinson from www.origins-air.tw to discuss what I think could be the biggest...
Did you know there's a foreign owned company in 台灣 turning marine debris into an amazing MIT product...
I'm back in 台灣 and as well as telling you why I choose to come back every time, I open up some boxes...