cute anime boy 在 まさかの鬼滅グッズゲット!?ファンからのプレゼント大量開封🎁(#275) 的影片資訊
#プレゼント #ゲイカップル #夫夫 おはこん! 今回はファンの方からいただいた贈り物を開封します🎁 手紙から食べ物や『こんなものまで!?』と驚くものばかり! みんな本当にありがとーーーー😭 チャ...
#プレゼント #ゲイカップル #夫夫 おはこん! 今回はファンの方からいただいた贈り物を開封します🎁 手紙から食べ物や『こんなものまで!?』と驚くものばかり! みんな本当にありがとーーーー😭 チャ...
qa#100K #SUBSCRIBERS #LOVEYOUGUYS --- 愛所有點進來看這部影片的你們! 10萬快樂! Love all of you who came in to watch th...
so… its been a while since last time I made singing to strangers vid. I hope we can do this in real ...
i really love this netflix n chill girl hahaha. she is so funny - follow my INSTAGRAM→ @kinryyy h...
so... yeah i will film something very very different next time. I hope you will still follow me, wat...
guys im tired... im sure some of you are tired as well. I will announce something and make a huge ch...
*deleted the part of Lost Boy bc of copyright* youve got my back, Ive got your backs too buddies. - ...
i never know what to say if a girl is crying in front of me... like never... that makes me feel nerv...
this time I changed my look to a mature Oppa and why I still look like 16...? - follow my INSTAGRA...
what do you think about these chinese songs? which reaction from this video you like the most? tell ...