10 minutes mail 在 Lemon cake│檸檬海绵蛋糕│レモンケーキ│레몬 케이크 的影片資訊
Materials and practices : 4 eggs Milk 45g Lemon juice 45g Vegetable oil 30g Low-gluten flour 120g S...
Materials and practices : 4 eggs Milk 45g Lemon juice 45g Vegetable oil 30g Low-gluten flour 120g S...
Ingredients and practices: 1. 4 eggs 2. Milk 45g 3. Vegetable oil 30g 4. Low-gluten flour 120g 5. V...
Materials and practices: 1. 4 eggs 2. Low-gluten flour 290g 3. Aluminum-free baking powder 6g 4. Cr...
Ingredients and practices 1. 5 eggs 2. Salt 1g 3. Vegetable oil 63g 4. Milk 88g 5. Low-gluten flour...
Ingredients and practices: Water 45g Fine sugar 150g Medium heat heating Cook until brown Hot...
Delicious and delicious chiffon cake recipe Ingredients and practices: 7 eggs Low-gluten flour ...
[ENGLISH BELOW] Video quá trình làm việc của Trường khi retouch ảnh High End Chanel sẽ liên tục upd...
我的工作其實就是一個阿母 順便兼職編輯、麻豆、文字工作者、自己的經紀人。 每天4點睡,早上 9點或8點起床(老黃在家時我可以睡晚一點) 中午elena午睡我開始早午餐、回mail 、 午睡兩小時左...
Singapore Vlogs - final Hotel Stay: St Regis Singapore (Downtown) http://www.stregissingapore.com/ ...
常常有人問我頭髮怎麼整理的 這不就來了嗎~哈哈 拍支影片的話以後有人問就可以直接丟影片連結了((樂)) 這個髮型基本上平常頭髮有洗的話 出門只需要三分鐘就可以打理好了~ 我邊講話邊聊天才花六分鐘的啦...