超級發光面膜 在 一晚就可以煥膚?實測讓皮膚變光亮的 Skincare+D.I.Y.百香果醬!! - fioChiu x Glamglow 的影片資訊
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by GLAMGLOW, but the comments and reivews are 100% honest and ge...
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by GLAMGLOW, but the comments and reivews are 100% honest and ge...
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by GLAMGLOW, but the comments and reivews are 100% honest and ge...
仲有唔夠一個月 Jade 就生得啦!我地要好好把握自由既時光,一於黎晚 GIRLS NIGHT IN! Minnie黎jade 屋企玩,一齊做d女仔野,留住我地青春既時刻 wakakaka! 我地係呢...
簡介|intro 有時候幫男朋友清粉刺也是一種另類的浪漫啊~~ 這次很開心跟GLAMGLOW合作了這支影片:) 我和小巴西也是第一次試用美系品牌的深層清潔產品哦~現在我家的SUPERMUD在我們兩...