拍照前請先注意交通安全哦 在 Grandpa狗噏/Grandpa's Philosophies-Why Doggies are Required to Heel in Walks(External Considerations) 的影片資訊
Grandpa狗噏 - 為甚麼去街時狗狗要跟在旁邊或者後面?!(對外的考慮) Grandpa's Philosophies - Why Doggies are Required to Heel in ...
Grandpa狗噏 - 為甚麼去街時狗狗要跟在旁邊或者後面?!(對外的考慮) Grandpa's Philosophies - Why Doggies are Required to Heel in ...
Grandpa狗噏 - 為甚麼去街時狗狗要跟在旁邊或者後面?!(對內的考慮) Grandpa's Philosophies - Why Doggies are Required to Heel in ...
Grandpa狗噏 - 甚麼狗狗衝衝都是問題! Grandpa's Philosophies - Launching is a Problem, both Small and Big Doggies!...
Grandpa狗噏 - 狗狗是人類最好的朋友! Grandpa's Philosophies - Doggies Are Humans' Best Friends! #WE5 #Shibaland...
Grandpa狗噏 - 狗狗要守規矩(紀律)! Grandpa's Philosophies - Doggies Should Follow Rules(Disciplines)! #WE5 #Sh...
Grandpa狗噏 - 養狗狗前,先做義工! Grandpa's Philosophies - Do Volunteering in Animal Organizations Before You R...