關於whatever中文的評價, 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club
English is so much more than just a subject that you study at school. Don't let the exam limit your...
English is so much more than just a subject that you study at school. Don't let the exam limit your...
『無論你做甚麼決定,都要忠於你自己。』 "Whatever path you decide t...
【徇眾要求,舊文重post】English is so much more than just a...
唔想「成世踎喺香港」,除普通話外,也別忘了學英文啊 😊 暖男叔叔 English is so...
溝通的方式對了,想說的話會比較容易被聽進去。 When you get your method...
溝通的方式對了,想說的話會比較容易被聽進去。 When you get your method...
吊帶褲控又購入超可愛花紋吊帶裙了~ 找到適合自己的穿著很重要! 像我就是標準的不會追求流行的人...
賈伯斯曾說過「You can’t connect the dots looking forward,...
只想做個自由人 - 自由人獎學金計劃 上星期有位中大mentee憂慮畢業前景,約我食飯傾計。現在這...
「Story of a Word:#Life」 "When I was just a litt...