關於reference的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Avengers: now with more sugar, spice, and everything nice! (Points from the Professor if you get th...
Avengers: now with more sugar, spice, and everything nice! (Points from the Professor if you get th...
昨天發生了震驚全球生物醫學界,#令人髮指 的科學倫理事件,第一個 #基因編輯人類可能已經誕生了!中國的生物學家賀建奎在接受美聯社訪問時宣稱,他使用了基因編輯技術,修改了人類的受精卵,宣稱可以讓這個孩...
I have made a decision to support the #TOGETHERBAND movement, I believe with our collective efforts ...
【DDC式的浪漫】 來英國七年,我一直都是和DDC共用銀行戶頭(Joint Account)。你沒看錯,之前我大概是因為在英國沒收入又是依親簽證的緣故,所以到銀行開戶時,居然兩三度被拒絕,真的讓人...
入咗行做獵頭之後見過好多唔同個案,呢啲經歷真係十年都寫唔完,而由於我返工條路會經過沙中綫地盤,所以成日都諗起其中一位求職者,佢曾經令我動容,雖然已經好耐冇聯絡,但我好希望佢而家生活美滿。 當時我...
Painting with fire on chopsticks! A piece to find beauty in ordinary materials, and celebrate all th...
A baseball cap, fedora and earmuffs are done in festive houndstooth, red and green to reference the ...
A baseball cap, fedora and earmuffs are done in festive houndstooth, red and green to reference the ...
【對華政策的範式轉移】絕對是歷史性講話. #成萬字 #萬言書 #頹譯都譯死人 ----小弟頹譯------ 蓬佩奧:謝謝。謝謝你們。州長,您的慷慨介紹。的確是這樣:當您在那個體育館裡散步時,說出“蓬...