

ashtanga series的相關標籤

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#buildhabits #teachyourself #建立自學習慣 #中文⬇️⠀ I'm still so grateful for the 200h Ashtanga training I did with @allyogatraining last feb (just before the pandemic hit the fan). You know why?😊 Because I came home with a gift: The discipline to practice and meditate by myself, every single day. 🧘‍♀️⠀ Everyone can join a class and "do" yoga, but practicing alone is another thing. Growing the confidence to keep learning FOR yourself, BY yourself is something to work on for a lifetime..!⠀😌🙏🏽 ⠀ ...That said, I do really hope this pandemic will be over sooner than later, I miss so many people around the globe! 🙈 Sending lots of LOVE to the Allyoga family and of course all other yogis and peacemakers out there!⠀🍀💛 ⠀ *Here a tiny time-lapse of a modified ashtanga primary series (60min in 20sec) with my pupp Maji 🐶⠀ ⠀ ~~~⠀ ⠀ 我很感謝今年疫情影響全世界之前還有去峇里島參加 @allyogatraining 的200小時Ashtanga培訓。 你知道為什麼嗎?⠀😊 因為我們離開了巴厘島時,帶著一個很寶貴的禮物:「每天自己練習和冥想的紀律」🍀⠀ 上課練瑜伽跟獨自練習不一樣。 我自己很愛上課,當學生很幸福!⠀ 但同時能夠學習不斷培養 #自學 的自信,是一生需要付出努力,但很值得建立的生活習慣。⠀😌 ⠀ 不過我還是老實地說,我真心希望疫情能早日結束,分散在這地球上有太多我想見到的人! ❤️⠀ ⠀ *這是我的小狗麻吉和我在沙灘上練ashtanga變化系列的縮時影片(60分鐘縮成20秒)

#buildhabits #teachyourself #建立自學習慣 #中文⬇️⠀ I'm sti...