關於中和福朋喜來登的評價, Y Portraits - Male Photography
9am. Stretching himself up for the massage. Four Points Hotel. Taipei, Taiwan with 謝詠丞 & William Lin...
9am. Stretching himself up for the massage. Four Points Hotel. Taipei, Taiwan with 謝詠丞 & William Lin...
9am. The confident massage master in mirror. Four ...
9am. Massage master at work. Four Points Hotel. Ta...
這家業者,拜託大家的親友、訪客,想辦法來去住一晚吧! ————————————— 抗議萬豪強冠「中國...
12 noon. Steamy water, sensual massage - they natu...
10pm. A drink after shower in the hotel room. Soft...
#中和福朋喜來登 酒店遭其所屬的 #萬豪 集團,在訂房系統上冠名「中國台灣」,中和福朋今嚴正抗議,...
收到觀光局星旅60第一波 達人體驗活動邀約 來到 #中和福朋喜來登體驗 帶著期待的心情入住 專業...
來抽中和福朋喜來登的餐卷(價值5000)好不好啊🤗 想抽的喊右~~ 大家覺得怎麼抽比較好勒?...
(暫時置頂) 抽獎囉🎉🎉🎉 昨天預告的中和福朋喜來登的抽餐卷活動來囉~ 總計5000共抽5名,...