#yogatutorial - You've probably seen this #yogaassist of #baddhakonasana, or #boundanglepose, a million times. But to have someone to do it with you it feels really, I mean really good.
Only attempt if you already moderately flexible hips - that is knees only say 3-4 inches off the ground when in baddha konasana without pushing the knees down.
1️⃣ Get your friend to stand on your inner thighs if he/she engage the core like she's doing #tadasana, balancing for her shouldn't be too difficult.
2️⃣ if you want to stretch your spine up and the side body longer, get your friend to pull your hands up.
3️⃣ if you happen to be quite right, get stepped on one thigh only, and you can use your own hand to push the other knee down.
4️⃣ as in all #partneryoga , always communicate and if there's any discomfort let your partner know!
By the way, @marsha_h is now training to be a #yogateacher , wish her all the best till the end of her training. Can't wait to take her full length class ;)
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