It’s Mother’s Day today, I find myself thinking a lot about the way my Mama raised me. And even though our family was from a tiny fishing village Dungun, Malaysia, one of the greatest gifts my Mama gave me was the freedom to explore (with curfew of course!) and develop personally.
For instance, my Papa was a very old school father, he would never allow me to leave home and study abroad. My Mama would arrange a family trip to visit my high school in Perth and impressed my Papa with the school’s education system and the school’s environment that suited me most. Due to the initial experience of me being away from home, Papa had witnessed what I had learnt: cooking, laundry, ironing clothes and much more. I also never picked up any bad habits such as smoking and drinking, he later allowed my baby sister, Rhonda to pursue her education further away from home, and studying at the school of her choice. After graduation, with Papa’s blessing and support, my other younger sister, Race and I were given the opportunity to move to Hong Kong to pursue our singing career. All these experiences, opened up the world to me in so many ways. It’s a beautiful cycle, without my Mama’s help and support, we would not have benefited so much.
And now that I’m raising my own kids, I wanted to pass the same lessons to my sons. I’ve been fortunate to be able to travel with Dylan and Daniel around the world - experiences my Mama never had. Although the setting and era may be different, the message remains the same and it’s one I hope Mothers everywhere will pass onto their children - in seeking out new perspectives and striving beyond our comfort zones. I believe only then we can discover more about ourselves.
On this special day, I want to wish all the amazing Mothers in this world a very Happy Mothers Day! Especially to my Mama, I’m thankful, grateful and blessed to have a mother like you.
P.S thank you Michelle Obama for inspiring me to write about my Mama and quoting your lines which also apply to my life.
#happymothersday2019 #iloveyousomuch #bestmama #wishedtobewithyou @drderekbaram Central Smile Wong Race Rhonda Wong