20210417 live recipes
材料: 桂花魚或其他魚,帶甜咸酸菜,大豆芽 ,泡椒 ,辣椒干,花椒 ,薑,蔥,紅辣椒,花椒
醃魚肉味料: 鹽少許,一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許
做法: 1 燒熱鑊落油,猛火煎香魚骨,鹽少許,加滾水煮至湯濃白隔起魚骨
2 魚肉加鹽拌勻至感覺有些膠質後加一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許拌勻待用
3 咸酸菜片薄切塊,白鑊炒至乾身
4 落油將薑絲,蔥頭,泡椒,大豆芽,咸酸菜炒香
5 開火煲熱魚湯落魚肉加鹽,菇粉各少許稍滾,魚肉鏟起放做法 4 面上,繼而淋上魚湯加一匙白醋
6 燒熱鑊落油爆香辣椒干及花椒後倒入酸菜魚湯內,紅椒粒,蔥花飾面
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Hot and Sour Fish Soup with Pickled Mustard Greens
(YouTube video starts at 1:33.)
Fish - 1 large sea bass (or your choice of fish)
(Separate the meat from the bones and head. Thinly slice the meat at 45-degree angle into bite size pieces. For larger pieces, make a slit in the center of each slice. Set aside.)
Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
(Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
(Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)
Chinese pickled green chili (“pao jiao”) - 1 jar
Ginger shreds
Garlic pieces
Bean sprouts
Salt - to taste
Mushroom seasoning powder - to taste
White vinegar - 1 tbsp
Potato starch noodles or glass noodles “fensi” - optional to add into the soup
Fish soup base ingredients:
Fish bones
Fish head
Ginger slices - for frying the fish bones and head
Ginger slices - for making the soup
A dash of salt
Very hot boiling water (to make the fish soup creamy white)
Marinade fish meat ingredients:
Salt - a dash
Egg white - 1
White pepper - a dash
Garnish ingredient:
Dried chili
Sichuan peppercorns
Green onion pieces
Fresh red chili pieces
Sichuan peppercorn oil
1. In a bowl, add in all the fish meat, a dash of salt, and thoroughly mix until slightly sticky. Add in 1 egg white, a dash white pepper, and mix well. Set aside.
2. Heat up a wok to very hot and add oil. Sprinkle in a dash of salt, add in ginger slices, and add in fish bones and head to make the soup base. Fry them until fragrant and golden brown on HIGH heat, and remove the ginger slices.
3. Add in very hot boiling water, add ginger slices, and bring it to a boil and cook until creamy white. Turn off heat and remove all the fish bones and head and pour the soup through a strainer into a bowl.
4. Return the soup back to the wok and add in marinated fish meat prepared in Step 1 and simmer until cooked. Add in salt and mushroom seasoning powder to taste. Set aside.
5. Heat up a wok, add in oil. Add in ginger shreds, garlic pieces, Chinese pickled green chili, and stir fry until fragrant. Add in bean sprouts, Chinese pickled mustard greens, and mix well. Add in cooked fish meat and fish soup.
6. Drizzle in 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
7. Heat up a separate frying pan, and add oil. Add in dried chili, Sichuan peppercorns, and pour on top of the soup.
8. Garnish with fresh red chili and green onion pieces.
9. Drizzle Sichuan peppercorn oil on top.
材料: 牛肉,青紅辣椒,咸菜
香料: 薑一片,蒜一粒
醃料: 糖少許,胡椒粉少許,鼔油,生粉適量
做法: 1 牛肉先醃備用
2 落油爆香薑,蒜,青紅辣椒,落牛肉炒,最後加咸菜炒勻即可
備註: 咸菜有二隻,一帶甜,另一帶咸,今次是帶甜
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Stir Fried Beef with Pickled Mustard Greens
(YouTube video starts at 26:56.)
Beef steak slices
(You can replace with beef tenderloin or pork.)
Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
(Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
(If you are using the SALTY type, just add more sugar.)
(Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)
Red and green sweet bell peppers - sliced
Minced ginger
Minced garlic - 1 clove
Marinade beef ingredients:
Cooking oil
Light soya sauce
White pepper
Corn starch / flour
1. In a bowl, add in sliced beef steak, cooking oil, sugar, light soya sauce, white pepper, corn starch, and mix well. Set aside.
2. Heat up a wok, add oil. Add in minced ginger, minced garlic, red and green sweet bell pepper slices, marinated beef slices, and briefly stir fry until fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.
3. Heat up the wok, add Chinese pickled mustard greens. Optional to add sugar now if you find it salty.
4. Return the partially cooked beef back to the wok, and mix well. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.
凍滾水 250 ml
奶 250 ml
魚膠粉 35 gr (可改用魚膠片5-6片)
沙糖 100 gr (可依個人喜好加減)
棷奶 1罐
芒果 2-3個
1. 凍滾水、奶 、魚膠粉、沙糖放入煲內,開中大火煮,邊煮邊輕輕攪拌至魚膠粉和糖完全溶解。
2. 加入棷奶,攪拌至混合後關火,放涼備用。注意:加入棷奶後不要煮太久,以避免油水分解。
3. 芒果去皮切粗條或粗粒,排放入糕盆內,倒入已放涼棷奶混合液,蓋好後放入雪櫃雪至硬身便可
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Mango Coconut Pudding
(YouTube video starts at 35:35.)
Drinking water - 250ml (do not use tap water)
Milk - 250ml
Gelatin powder - 35g (or replace with agar agar)
Sugar - 100g or to taste
Coconut milk - 1 can
(Add in last to avoid the oil separating, which will result in two layers when pudding is set.)
Fresh mangos - cut into your choice of designs. (Cubes or strips or floral.)
(Cut into THICK pieces to avoid pieces from moving.)
1. In a cooking pot, add in drinking water, milk, gelatin powder, sugar, and cook until sugar and gelatine have melted and little bubbles appear by continue stirring.
2. Add in coconut milk and taste test for sweetness.
3. Let it cool down to room temperature.
4. In a mould, add in fresh mango pieces on the bottom layer then pour coconut milk mixture on top.
5. Put in the refrigerator to set.
6. Cut into cubes. Serve.
To create mango layers:
Optional to layer mango pieces on the bottom of the mould then refrigerate until they are a bit dehydrated and stick to the mould. This is to prevent them from moving or floating.
Once the mango pieces are set on the bottom of the mould, pour half of the coconut milk mixture in and set in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, or once the pudding is set, add the remaining mango pieces, coconut milk mixture, and refrigerate it until set and firm. You may create more than 2 layers.
Once set, loosen the pudding from the mould and transfer to a serving plate with the bottom of the pudding facing upward displaying the mango pieces design. Slice and serve.
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅Spice N' Pans,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Fish soup is one of our most-sought after lunch choices because it's healthy and super duper yummy. For those of you who haven't tried fish soup befor...
「white bass recipe」的推薦目錄:
white bass recipe 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的精選貼文
#倒數5天 #StoryTeller年度展覽 : 【The Heart Seekers】
下星期二(12月1日)我們的年度展覽就開始了!這幾天將會陸續預告更多展覽內容 :) 這夜,首先讓大家看看這次主場館的展覽場地 PHVLO HATCH還有其中3位參展藝術家和他們過往的一些作品。
位於深水涉由Johanna Ho創立的PHVLO HATCH致力於促進可持續性發展,連結社區對時裝,電影和音樂感興趣的人, 以至藝術和設計,更結合咖啡室空間讓大家在鬧市中喘息。這次跟我們合作於二樓佑大的展覽空間舉辦我們的年度展覽和StoryTeller首個Pop-up Store,希望大家能在這裡透過故事和藝術陪你一起尋找心的出口。
Follow the event NOW 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/365q5a8
Zoie Lam 林雅儀 Zlism
現職插畫師,同時也是時裝設計師和造型師,及品牌 ZL by ZLISM 的主理⼈。於2010年開始創作ZLISM,ZLISM是⼀個外星球,內裡住了很多不同的“ZLISM”星⼈,每個ZLISM星⼈也有著不同的個性,每⼀幅作品也有著背後的故事,⽽故事由 ZLISM 星球⼈表代為表達,創作範圍為塑膠彩油畫,⼤型牆壁,多媒體合成畫作等等。
Jan Curious 阿水 Jan Curious
一位獨立插畫師,同時為樂隊觸執毛 Chochukmo 、R.O.O.T 主音,現時更與 Bass 手阿輝組成電子音樂組合 Jan Curious & tombeats.。Jan 的作品風格和素材多變,今次特別展出的Nothing Strangers 是他近期表達內心黑暗面的作品。
Mateusz Kolek Mateusz Kolek
來自波蘭的插畫家以夢幻玩味的畫作著稱,最新展覽的作品受到香港啟發而創作, Mateusz 不帶手機外出,在城裏的橫街窄巷閒逛,透過超現實的插畫呈現他的亞洲之旅、蘇聯科幻電影、流行文化、斯拉夫神話等。
StoryTeller年度最大型展覽及首個期間限定店「The Heart Seeker 」將於 12 月 1 日至 12 月 15 日於 Phvlo Hatch (深水埗黃竹街13號)舉行。「The Heart Seekers 」連結超過 30 位來自世界各地的創作人,集合主題展覽、Storyteller經典故事展出、藝術體驗、期間限定店、講座及工作坊等精彩內容。在這個瘋狂的世界,我們都需要一點喘息的地方 —— 可能是一個實體空間,可能是一個想法,更可能 ⋯⋯ 你只需要一個短短的故事。
〖The Heart Seeker〗
展期 Date:Dec 1- 15 2020
地點 Venue: 2/F PHVLO HATCH(深水埗黃竹街13號|13 Wong Chuk Street, Sham Shui Po)
開放時間 Time: 10:30 – 19:00(Mon - Sun)
開幕晚會:Dec 5 6pm
- The Heart Seeker : Recipe of a happy heart 主題展覽
- StoryTeller 首個 Pop-up Store
- StoryTeller 經典故事展出
- 說故事講座 (登記詳情將陸續公佈)
- 創作工作坊 (登記詳情將陸續公佈)
#主題展覽參展藝術家 :Mateusz Kolek 、MerryLambLamb、
Zoie Lam 、JanCurious、Seven Tsang、Mabel Lau 、Angela Ho 、Stephanie Teng 、John Ho 、Kazy Chan 、Joel Kwong、Siuloy 、Thomas Napoleon、Lamb Yu 、KanKit Man、How & How
設計單位: William Tsao @Third Paragraph
Our annual exhibition will begin next Tuesday (December 1st)! More exhibition content will be announced in the next few days :) This night, let everyone take a look at the exhibition venue, as well as 3 participating artists and some of their past works.
PHVLO HATCH, located in Sham Shui Wa by Johanna Ho, is committed to promoting sustainable development, connecting people in the community who are interested in fashion, film and music, as well as art and design, and combining the cafe space to let everyone relax in the busy city. This time, they are cooperating with us to hold our annual exhibition and StoryTeller’s first Pop-up Store in the exhibition space on the second floor. We hope that everyone can find a way to your hear through stories and art here.
Zoie Lam
An artist based in Hong Kong. As the creator of the imaginary planet Zlism, she details a world with all its residents and happenings. Positive energy oozes out from the kind-hearted characters as they come alive under her pen, all with fascinating stories unfolding in one painting after another. Choosing acrylic paint and wool yarn, and occasionally oil-based marker and technical drawing pen for black-and-white effect, Lam always fills her stylistic paintings in brilliant hues and and flourescent colours. Another favourite art form of her’s is mural painting, which includes walls of shops and impromptu painting alongside real-time animation and performance.
Jan Curious
An independent illustrator, vocal of Chochukmo and R.O.OT, he forms an eletronic music band,
Mateusz Kolek
Illustrator from Poland, is famous for his dreamy playful style. His latest exhibition was inspired by the city view of Hong Kong. Mateusz loves to experience his solo journeys without a smartphone. He enjoys capturing moments that could trigger his imagination and exploring the city as much as he can, so that he can bring home the interesting stories he collects throughout the trip.
white bass recipe 在 The MeatMen Facebook 的精選貼文
Like and Follow us if you like our videos :)
Recipe Link: http://themeatmen.sg/chilli-ginger-steamed-fish/
Done under 20 minutes with little to no fuss at all!
Simple cooking yet tasty food is really the best. Fresh sea bass or any white fish steamed with a soy based chilli ginger sauce gives it an extra kick to the taste.
Give the recipe a try and let us know if you like it in the comments below!
P.S. You can literally leave it to steam while you continue with your online meetings. :)
#delicious #meatmensg #fish #seabass #steamdishes #singapore #meatmen #simple #meatmensgrecipe #meatmen #food #foodie #homecooking #homemade #foodrecipes #recipes #shiok
white bass recipe 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的最佳貼文
Fish soup is one of our most-sought after lunch choices because it's healthy and super duper yummy. For those of you who haven't tried fish soup before, you gotta try it. It's really not as fishy as it sounds. In Singapore, fish soup is one of the most common dishes you can get at our hawker centres or coffeeshop. Instead of deep-fried fish or just normal fish slices, Roland pan-fried the fish first so that the soup will become even more milky looking without the need to add any milk.
See the ingredient list below for your easy reference.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Happy cooking!
Thanks for dropping by our channel. Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Thanks for watching!
See you soon.
Singapore Hawker Style Fish Soup 鲜味鱼汤Ingredients:
Serves 4 pax
500g chicken feet (blanch first)
2 tablespoons white peppercorn (dry roasted and coarsely crushed)
2L water
50g dried anchovies
800g white snapper (or any white fish e.g. sea bass)
30g young ginger (sliced thinly)
1 stalk of spring onion (use the stem part only)
280g long cabbage
100g Shimeiji mushrooms
1 slab silken tofu
2 tomatoes
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon Chinese cooking oil (Shaoxing Huatiao wine)
Don't know where to get the ingredients or don't know how they look like? See the links below.
White peppercorns https://amzn.to/3bMaqhR
Dried anchovies https://amzn.to/2NXcWJS
Chinese cooking wine https://amzn.to/368grn5
Looking for similar cooking equipment like the one we used in the video? These might interest you:
Wok https://amzn.to/37Ev9Tt (For US residents)
Wok https://heyhommies.com/shop/cookware/stovetop/la-gourmet-galactic-32cm-wok/ (for Singapore residents)
Filming equipment: iPhone 11 Pro Max (Get from Amazon https://amzn.to/3eA24tz)
Microphone: Sennheiser AVX digital wireless microphone system
Get Sennheiser wireless microphone in Singapore: https://singapore.sennheiser.com/products/avx-mke2-set-3-uk?_pos=2&_sid=adb86a9d8&_ss=r
Get Sennheiser wireless microphone from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NILqMR
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Super Easy Szechuan Fish Soup w/ Pickled Mustard 酸菜鱼 Chinese Hot & Sour Fish Soup Recipe
Chinese Recipe: Seafood Soup or Fish Soup - Singapore style
Secret Recipe Revealed! Singapore Teochew Fish Porridge 新加坡潮州鱼粥 Chinese Fish Porridge Recipe
Disclaimer: Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!
white bass recipe 在 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes Youtube 的最讚貼文
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鸡头米70g,70g Qianshi
葱花一大勺,1 tbsp chopped green onion
姜一小块,A piece of ginger
蒜瓣5个,5 cloves garlic
黄酒2大勺,2 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine
白胡椒一小撮,pinch of white pepper
糖1小勺,1 tsp sugar
椰浆4大勺,4 tbsp coconut milk
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandatastes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandatastes/
white bass recipe 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最讚貼文
今集個人錯9晒,Cam Frame rate 錯,White Balance 錯,不過好彩!簡單嘅!順便吹下水!
優惠代碼為: Ckingroom