如何在日常生活中保護聲線? (下)
保護聲線 (六)
注意以上的各個保養聲帶的方法,培養良好的生活習慣,每個人都可以擁有一把「靚聲」! 你想擁有美妙動人的歌聲嗎?喜歡唱歌的朋友如何在唱歌的同時保養聲音呢?留意「你懂得在唱歌時同時保養聲線嗎?(上)- 保護聲線 (七)」吧!
What can we Do to Protect our Voices? (II)
Protecting Our Voices (6)
The best and most important way to protect our voices is the use the right way to breathe and project our voices!
3. The Right Way to Breathe and Project your Voice
When we sing or speak loudly, we should use our lower part of the abdomen to support our breath and voices. Opening our mouths widely may give a better projection of sound and clearer diction. We should keep an average volume and steady pace while speaking and include appropriate pauses in our speech. Speaking less and allowing our vocal cords to rest is also vital if we have caught a flu and when our vocal folds are feeling tired.
Pay attention to the methods of protecting our voices above, develop the good habits and you can have a beautiful voice too! For friends who love to sing, how do we protect our voices while we sing? “How do we Protect our Voices while Enjoying Singing? (I) – Protecting Our Voices (7)” will tell you more about it!
#保護聲線 #發聲方法 #唱歌 #學唱歌