可惡!#BBC 的FB刪掉文章及留言!!找不到了!😠小米麻糬的抗議留言當然也被刪掉,但我還是要在此還原真相。
一對來自英國佬的情侶,有誰叫你們來台灣嗎?來了就是要居家檢疫14天,不然就是要付費花錢住防疫旅館,你們跟我們台灣政府說沒錢No Moneny??很有事!!你BBC沒查明就根據女方媽媽單方面說詞就說台灣給他們住的是像監獄一樣的房間。
They can choose to fly to origin of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)—Wuhan, China, to Live in Mobile cabin hospital(方艙醫院)and dormitory, or choose to comeback to UK to be infected with the virus and die at home, so they don't need to pay £6.25 (US$7.44=NTD250) which can go to heaven very quickly without pay any money which is free. It is not the time to travel abord, the rule of Taiwan: foreign travelers required to follow home quarantine can pay to stay at the group quarantine facilities if they do not have other places to reside in.
This couple told to our government: they no money,our government arrange to stay at Staff Dormitory no charge!!
[Taiwan rules of home quarantine]
They are so lucky to stay at the safest country –Taiwan in the world.
👉They pay NT$250 (US$8.25) to cover the cost of three meals a day.
👉Free accommodation which each room comes with a desk, bed, home care package, washing machine and internet acces.
👉there is a staff member assigned to provide each person with meals and to remove refuse.
👉Each floor has separate public toilets and bathrooms for men and women.
👉the hot water heater broke down when the couple checked in on March 15, however, the hot water was repaired at 2 a.m. in the morning,
😌Pay £6.25 (US$7.44) to got one plate of fish and chips only in the UK.
That's the truth !!
Chinese Version(there are more pictures you can see, does it is a prison?)
English Version:
BBC as the UK ’s largest news broadcasting ,how can you did the report according that woman ’s mother ’s talking only? without comformation? does it is a prison?
The woman and her mother、BBC who should to apologize publicly to the Taiwan government !! Don't ever think that Taiwan owes you anything.
現在不是出國旅行的時候,台灣規定外國人入境需先居家檢疫(home quarantine) for 14 Days,或自費住防役旅館14天(https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-2.html) ,跟我們的政府說沒錢,我們的政府只好安排員工宿舍讓他們免費住宿。
👉一天只要付 £6.25 (US$7.44)錢,就能吃到每天三餐。
這才是真相!! 中文版:
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