謝謝Robin, Randy Chow, 陳詠謙 相信我和相信這首歌。當一班對音樂擁有同一種眼光,同一種信念的人結合起來,所產生出來的作品是非常驚人的。多謝我的團隊,多謝所有為這首歌付出過的人,為這首歌賦予生命、靈魂。很希望我們的音樂能夠繼續走出框框,突破一般的規範、界限,使香港音樂產業進入新的水平和視野。
// Even if I didn't get to attend the awards ceremony , when I found out I won, I was jumping up and down for joy like a little child! I am so overwhelmed by this CASH Golden Sail Music Award Best female vocal performance for my song 'butterfly'. This song means a lot to me personally. It's my metamorphosis song. I was going through a major transition in my life and the process wasnt easy but this song reminded me why I needed to step out of my comfort zone and make the choices that I had to make in order to thrive and grow . This is a huge encouragement to me and it gives me so much hope and meaning in what I do. Thank you Cash . Thank you Robin Chi, Randy Chow and Chan Wing Him for believing in me and in this song. When people unite together musically with one vision , it's amazing what can come out of it. I truly hope we can continue to Step outside the norm and break through boundaries in our music for HK music industry to be elevated into new heights and horizons.