今年六月初,利華成衣集團分廠—深圳觀瀾鎮慶盛服飾皮具廠在沒有正式通知工人關廠及妥善安置工人的情況下,秘密搬走生產設施,觸發 900 多名工友發起罷工。工人為防止廠方搬空廠房日夜守廠,罷工至今已超過一個月。
同時,不少工人已在工廠工作超過 10 年,工廠卻一直沒有依法為工人繳納養老金。當中數以百計的工人已接近法定退休年齡,為此他/她們感到極為徬徨無助。
Early this June, Artigas, located in Guanlan Township, Shenzhen, removed equipment and machines from its factory without official announcement to or negotiation with workers. This sparked a strike by over 900 Artigas workers.
Workers occupied the factory plants around the clock to prevent factory management from secretly removing the rest of the equipment and machines from the premises.
Many Artigas workers have worked over 10 years at the plant, but the factory has never paid their legally-mandated pension contributions. This led to frustration for many workers, as over 100 of them are reaching retirement age. Some workers even launched a hunger strike in the factory. Workers expressed their wishes in open letters to the factory, demanding fair and collective negotiations with factory management to discuss and resolve the issue in a constructive manner. However, Artigas ignored the sincere request by workers and instead released a false statement claiming it had already arranged negotiations with workers. In truth, the so-called negotiations were meetings with individual workers, not the collective negotiation requested by workers.
想知更多?請看 ---- 全球聯署︰強烈要求優衣庫(UNIQLO)迅速履行企業社會責任、積極協助慶盛工友合法維權 https://goo.gl/r2ycDG
More ---- Global petition: Strongly urging Uniqlo to resolve the labour dispute in the Artigas factory in China https://goo.gl/QWKuQF
#支持慶盛工人 #Uniqlo負起社會責任 #SolidaritytoArtigasWorkers #UniqloBeResponsible