Just before I went for the trip, my eldest said to me "Mummy, you bring didi on a holiday which makes it not really a holiday for you, right?"
Yup, that is quite true, my dear. The toddler is super clingy to Mama and doesn't like me to be out of his sight, not even for a split second, because he will come shouting "Mama, where, Mama, where..." and search high and low for me. That said, all my three babies have been super sticky and clingy when they were young and I'm so used to it and even learnt to cherish it because I know it's not going to last once they grow up.
On this short trip to Phuket, my fun-loving friends had the chance to try out activities (that I used to do pre kids) like jet ski, banana boat, shooting, go kart and snorkelling. I managed to do one of them, because either the boy couldn't swim so he couldn't do it or he refused to let me do it. Like I really wanted to try out the shooting range with a .45 pistol and tried to pass the sleeping boy to my friend but failed miserably because he woke up at once and bawled badly. Yup, just like his sisters used to.
Nonetheless, I am so thankful that at least I went on the banana boat, something which I've not done for, let me see, 17 years? Lol. We asked to be flipped and did not once, but twice. I screamed my lungs out because it was that thrilling and because it made me feel like a kid again. It was all thanks to a friend, who is an amazing dad of two himself, who was so sweet to ask me to go and enjoy while he took the kid despite knowing how tough a challenge it would be, and was bold enough to try, smart enough to find many ways to distract and patient enough not to give up when the boy whined for Mama.
That said, I am actually looking forward to the day too when the kids are bigger and can join us on many more island adventures. No, I don't want them to grow up too fast because I like them when they are little and needy, but I will also enjoy their company when they are mature and grown up. I just hope they will enjoy mine when that time comes too.
#ahappymum #ahappymumphuket #bananaboat #thankfulforfriends #feellikeakidagain #betterthananyrollercoaster #screamtillnovoice #timetoletitgo