在河內的第一天我乖乖待在旅館把台北主辦單位需要的照片整理好,希望過幾天就可以讓大家開始報名 😄 話說我們剛剛幫 York 爸媽買台中場的票,沒有想到幾個小時就接到 email 說已經滿額了!有登記的朋友記得趕快付款才能確定位置唷!真的好謝謝大家的捧場唷❤
這次大家對南美旅遊都很有興趣呢!不久前認識了一位香港 90年後女生 Yuki :) 她一畢業後就出走一年半,400多天內在南美待了 124天,真的比我們還強!而且回來後還把日記整理成書真的是很厲害!應該向她看齊 :P 最近她準備在 Travel the World 教大家如何自助旅行,有興趣的人可以參考看看呢!話說雖然很多人希望我出書,但是先讓我把這次活動辦成功再說 :) 會努力給大家最好的內容的 <3
Spent my first day in Hanoi organizing photos needed for the seminar session in Taipei, hopefully the event will be up and running in a few days :) Can't believe Taichung session is fully booked! I was booking for York's parents and just got an email that if you want to secure a spot you better make payment soon! Thanks so much everyone <3
Since everyone seems to be quite interested in South America, there's this girl from Hong Kong called Yuki who published a book after her 124 day trip in South America :) Honestly such an inspiration to see people turning their travel diaries into actual publishing, wish that can be me one day :)