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Thailand Learning & Development FORUM 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
'Next Normal of Human Development: Post COVID-19 is the age of new learning experience'
วันที่ 16-20 สิงหาคม 2564
100% VIRTUAL conference
360° VIRTUAL Exhibition
5 Days live 5 Themes
📌Day 1 "Launching L&D to the Future"
📌Day 2 "Next Leadership with New Culture"
📌Day 3 "Experience the Learning Exploration"
📌Day 4 "The Future of Learning Design"
📌Day 5 "Accelerating L&D Through Innovative Technology"
พิเศษ !!
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PMAT - Personnel Management Association of Thailand
the future of leadership development 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最佳解答
In celebration of Women’s Month, the theme for 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, where we are given the choice to empower, support and encourage both men and women to challenge gender discrimination to achieve equality. Gender equality is after all a mission for both men and women. Women in Malaysia are starting to change equality for themselves and their futures. Many countries around the world have also started to place heavy importance on gender equality, and Malaysia is one of them. Societies are finally realising the importance of taking a stand to demand equality for Malaysian women.
Malaysia is a country that has accomplished outstanding economic success, becoming the 6th largest economy in Southeast Asia and 39th largest in the world. However, the country’s women leaders are still considered underrepresented because only a small number of women take leadership positions in almost every corner of the board. Gender inequality poses significant challenges to women in Malaysia because it takes away opportunities from deserving talented women. Given that Malaysia has vast natural resources and human capital have been the driving engine of its economic development, gender inequality is still a serious hurdle Malaysia needs to overcome in order for a positive growth for the nation in the economic and political/leadership spheres. To address this gender discrimination in employment, members of society need to break away from gender biases. The perception that men are naturally fit for public places and women for private areas makes women seem only suitable to “assist” men in the work place. This practice has to be put to stop.
First and foremost, the idea of women representation has to be understood and acknowledged by everyone. It is very important to address this pressing problem because women make up 48.6% of the entire population and we need more of them to become leaders to ensure that the voices of Malaysian women are heard. Who would understand us better if it is not from our own kind?
For example, with only 33 female representation from both the government and opposition (out of 222 seats) in the Malaysia’s House of Parliament, the inclusion and participation of more women representative is actually very important for us to come up with excellent policies and laws that will tackle gender discrimination, crimes against women and the implementation of women-friendly policies to safeguard women’s issue and rights.
What can female leaders do to empower and inspire future female leaders? Actively engage potential leaders by identifying and investing in women with skills and capacity to lead and give them the confidence to do so. It is crucial in any sort of leadership practice to build confidence at home, in the educational institution and even at their workplace. By creating this “safe space”, we will be able to see more young women coming to the front without hesitation and with full confidence. When the younger generation of ladies/women sees the boldness of a leading women, it will give them the sense of hope and inspiration to embrace their potential and be committed to move forward as a leader. Female leaders should utilize these qualities such as perseverance, empathy and passion.
Rome was not built in a day. Likewise, the hope of hitting and having 30% of women parliamentarians is not going to be immediate. Providing platforms and opportunities are important but it is more important to create awareness and exposure as to why we should embrace and welcome female leadership into the picture. It is not only the young girls and women that should be educated but this has to reach their family members, acquaintances and their community in order for them to help these potential future leaders to nurture and grow to be a productive, compassionate and empathetic leaders in future. A new season is approaching and one can look with optimism on the impact it will have on women’s empowerment and leadership in Malaysia. Be brave, be bold and shatter that glass ceiling because our time is now or never.
Ketua Wanita Muda Negara
the future of leadership development 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
【專欄】陳惠萍:「城市」,是全球永續發展的關鍵戰役!(10/31/2020 天下雜誌CSR@天下)
為喚醒國際社會對城市行動的重視,自2014年起,聯合國將每年10月31 日指定為「世界城市日(World Cities Day)」。透過「城市與SDG」系列文章,看見全球邁向永續發展的過程中,城市如何發揮關鍵角色及影響力,實踐美好的未來。
「城市是男人和女人,女孩和男孩居住的地方,也是他們為生活打拼並實現夢想的所在。這裏亦是解決貧窮及不平等、提供健康與教育服務、保護生態體系、以及保障人權的地方。-SDG Cities Guide」
面對失控的地球暖化與氣候緊急狀態,城市開始被視為國家主體之外,所謂「非國家體系(non-state actor)」的重要行動者。如同2015年紐約世界城市高峰會暨市長論壇開幕時,聯合國副秘書長Jan Eliasson所呼籲:「城市將是這場永續發展之戰的決勝之地。」
聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)提供了具體指引,幫助城市領導人擘劃更公平美好的發展藍圖,讓每一座城市都成為永續願景之城。
其中,SDG11「永續城市」訴求「建立具包容性、安全、韌性及永續的城市與人類社區」( Sustainable Cities and Communities : Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable),例如:改善貧民窟&提供負擔得起的住房和基本服務、打造便民的公共運輸系統、減少城市廢棄物與空污問題、提供安全且具包容性、可及性的公共場所及綠色空間等,讓每一位居住在城市的居民都能獲得更有品質的生活。
全球最早共同承諾推動永續發展的地方政府網絡「地方政府永續發展理事會(ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability,ICLEI)」成立於1990年,截至2020年已有超過124個國家、1750個地方政府串連為夥伴城市,成為引領城市轉型的重要國際地方政府網絡。
2005年成立的對抗氣候變遷網絡「城市氣候領導聯盟(C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,C40)」以城市結盟型態和舉辦「城市氣候高峰會(C40 Large Cities Climate Summit)」等方式,促進各城市對抗氣候變遷議題的行動經驗與交流。迄今有97個城市會員,總計產出約1萬個應對氣候變遷的城市行動方案。
2012年,聯合國秘書長潘基文建立「聯合國永續發展解決方案網絡」(The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network ,SDSN),連結全球科學與技術專家,尋求解決方案以實踐永續發展目標。
除此之外, SDSN也幫助改善城市治理,並自2013年起SDSN發起「城市永續發展目標運動」( Campaign for an Urban Sustainable Development Goal)形成獨立專責的城市永續發展項目,透過與地方政府&利害關係人合作,共同支持SDG11的實施及推廣。
其中幾項重點城市方案:美國永續城市倡議(USA-SCI)和里約永續城市倡議(Rio Sustainable Cities Initiative),不僅見證典範城市的成功經驗,也分享相關政策工具及資源,藉以帶動更多永續城市發展。
2016年全球兩大主要氣候倡議城市聯盟:「全球市長聯盟(Compact of Mayors)」與「歐洲市長盟約(Covenant of Mayors)」進一步擴大結盟,共同組成「全球氣候與能源市長聯盟(The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy,CGoM)」。
城市的未來,取決於今日的行動並將影響下一個世代。如同「未來倫理:氣候變遷與政治想像(Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination)」一書所提醒,氣候問題的背後事實上涉及了世代正義、哲學與道德等深層意涵。