Sis dah 19 Tahun. Yes , my last teen years. Tak pernah pulak terfikir yang I akan menjadi seorang pelakon instead of jadi futsal player sepenuh masa. Hahah and the best of it this poster of my first ever movie is released today on my birthday. I couldnt be more happier! 😭😊
Thank you for all the wishes, ada yang tak sempat nak balas lagi. Really appreciate it , much love 🤗❤️
Gol & Gincu Vol. 2 bakal menemui anda di pawagam tidak lama lagi. 💅🏼💄⚽🥅
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#AkanDatang #whatsgood #girlpower #comingsoon #thanksforwishes #serahturns19 #janganisapgam