🚌#魔法校車在Netflix 🚌
昨天洗澡時和Maya在聊天,不知道說到什麼,她跟我說:「媽媽,你知道”腐爛“是大自然中很重要的一個循環。」哇!!!我大吃一驚這孩子怎如此言之有物😆 循線問下去恍然大悟,原來是上週我幫Maya放入NetFlix我的片單中【魔法校車】第一季第6集~神奇腐爛物(Meet the rot Squad)中學到的。
但我還是很訝異的問:「你知道腐爛的英文?」(因為他媽媽我都不知道了😝.....,她說就是rot,影片中有講到很多次so rotten,然後搭上劇情我猜想 rot 就是腐爛、腐敗的意思吧。
後來他們在費老師(Ms. Frizzle)帶領下,乘著魔法校車前進到腐木內,原來看似已經生命終結的一截木頭(log)中,蘊含著豐富和精彩熱鬧的生態,各種動植物在這個環境中各取所需;Maya還提到有些蘑菇生長在枯木上,菌絲會將枯木給分解掉,變成土壤的養分.........。
【The Magic School Bus魔法校車】是美國最暢銷、得獎最多的兒童自然科學書,有出版紙本、DVD等,是許多啟蒙閱讀路上知名讀物,也是是全世界最具影響力的兒童自然科學圖畫書之一,是一套可以讓孩子用英語學習科普超級推薦的套書,現在Netflix還有動畫影片(收錄在兒童頻道),一集25分鐘,非常適合用來訓練孩子英聽和各式科學知識雙重目的,事實上也很建議大人陪同觀看,會有許多的收穫。
影片中,你會經常聽到Ms. Frizzle經常掛嘴邊的一句話:「Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy! 」(犯錯學習,學習犯錯學習,從錯誤中學習!)
#魔法校車 #Netflix #TheMagicSchoolBus #科學圖畫書 #科普 #中文家庭雙語小孩
🌱 #想用正確方式灌溉你家英語小樹,歡迎加入
↘︎ 中文家庭雙語小孩社團✅
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過42的網紅way live,也在其Youtube影片中提到,IG: @waylive https://www.instagram.com/way.live/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/way.live8 Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/6413332737 **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私I...
take chances中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
"Passion makes perfect" -- Curtis Jackson aka 50cents
務實,紀律,敬業,不煙不酒,建立團隊文化,不斷學新東西,閱讀歷史思考現在,這一切好像跟在阿嬤家門口被人家射了九槍沒死的嘻哈歌手扯不上關係。但閱讀 50cent (中文翻譯 “五角”)自己的故事和他的做人和領導哲學,真的是很驚喜也很佩服。
對於一個青少年時期就在紐約皇后區街頭買毒品,後來因著音樂成名的人來說,他一直以為自己活到40歲,不是被槍殺就是已經在監獄裡面了。他怎麼也沒想到因著想要更好的心態,還有許多人的正面影響,中年的他不但沒有沉寂下來,反而事業再創新高 (美國以外可能比較不知道,他成功地轉型跨足電視製作,品牌,投資,還有聯合國食物贊助)。
- Finding fearlessness 不讓害怕主導你
- Heart of a hustler 打拼者的心態
- Constructing your crew 建立你的班底
- Knowing your value 看清自己的價值
- Evolve or die 進化或是死亡
- Power of perception 形象的力量
- If we can't be friends 如果做不成朋友
- Learning from your Ls 從你的的失敗中學習
- The entitlement trap “覺得世界總是欠你” 的危險玻璃心
他跨足江湖(Street) 以及企業界(corporate world) 兩邊,適時用兩種不同的心態遊刃有餘。有時需要江湖做法的嘻哈歌手 50cent, 有時又需要當精明談判商人 Curtis Jackson。聽他的說明會覺得這個人真的很聰明也很厲害。他大部分的見解和建議我都滿認同的,不過不知道是否因為跟前女友關係搞得很僵,所以講到婚姻家庭好像有點偏頗,就不完全認同他這方面的看法 (到底是被多少拜金的惹到.....)
"Hustle" 這個字有點難翻譯成中文,大概就是努力幹活,常被用在賣毒品,或是搞副業 (side hustle)。他的書名基本上還是講到他們在街頭那種為求生存的努力,他認為那應該是值得尊敬的,不管到人生什麼階段都不該覺得自己不用再努力成長。書本最後一章還講到他認為很多美國人都理所當然認為自己該過好日子,反而在亞洲 (他有提到台灣喔!)大家都很敬業努力,而去了一趟非洲肯亞更讓他意識的自己還滿幸運的,也讓他願意投入聯合國食物計畫,希望自己被後人記住是他幫助了多少人。
"Age isnt about the year you're born, its about how you approach the year you're in right now. If you're open to new experiences, willing to take chances, and curious about new topics, you're young...if youre setting your ways, aren't interested in trying new things, or think you've already learned all there is to know, then you're old, in fact, you're dying."
#50cent #hustle #hiphop #curtisjackson #hustleharderhustlesmarter
#power #嘻哈歌手
take chances中文 在 電競燒蛋 Egg Facebook 的最讚貼文
自己蠻喜歡的 NA 的賽評 Kobe 發了一篇他對於最近 LCS 的看法。
如果有類似的文章也請推薦給我練習 QQ
Hey! Dropping some thoughts on some of the big LCS stories and teams this morning ahead of recording the Dive:
Hey! 在今早錄《 The Dive》之前寫下一些關於 LCS 故事和隊伍的想法。
C9 will be our MSI representatives but the upcoming buffs to cinderhulk which follow these sejuani buffs improve tank options for their competitors and when you pair that with the increased power of enchanters and scaling champions like Orn, teams will have better chances in the last 6 weeks of LCS to turtle out a possible win against the powerhouse C9 squad.
C9 將會是代表 LCS 出賽今年 MSI 的隊伍。但是再史瓦妮增強以後,緊接而來的餘燼附魔增強將會讓 C9 的競爭對手有更多坦克英雄的選擇,當你把這些新的坦克選擇和影響力越來越大的輔助類英雄和後期有高影響力的英雄,如厄爾,放在一起看時,你會發現其他隊伍在剩下最後六周的賽程中,將會有更好的機會可以贏過現在的聯盟強權 C9。
I think liquid will rise to be a top 3 team again but it is going to take more time practicing with Broxah and they will still not surpass C9 or reach their previous levels of NA dominance because even though they will improve this split, the rest of the league has improved as well.
我認為 TL 會回升到聯盟前三名,但他們需要更多的時間和 Broxah 練習與磨合,不過即便如此他們仍沒辦法超越 C9 或是達到他們之前在 NA 賽區宰制的等級,因為即便他們在這個賽季進步了,聯盟中的其他隊伍也同樣再進步。
What the FK happened to Crown and CLG? We don’t give out a “Dade award” for regular season but Crown has got to be the biggest underperformance of a single player compared to expectations set for him preseason. Ruin also seems to be struggling and the entire team having problems coordinating their engagements with their DPS at the same time resulting in the L’s piling up.
Crown 跟 CLG 到底在幹三小? 我們在例行賽並不會頒發 Dade award 獎,但 Crown 的現在的表現和季前大家對他的期待可以說是落差最大的。Ruin 看起來也打得相當掙扎。同時,整個 CLG 在開戰和輸出位的協調上也是大有問題,這些原因導致了一系列的落敗。
TSM went 0-2 and made some more mistakes in the mid game resulting in them getting out scaled but they have shown real promise in their draft flexing (Qiyana, Sett, Orn…) and I do prefer a proactive style of play so I would encourage them to continue to work through the mistakes and not give up on their new direction.
TSM 目前二連敗並且在遊戲中期犯下了不少的錯誤導致他們的評級下降,但他們展現了他們對於多使用錯位英雄的企圖( 姬亞娜、賽特、厄爾...) 而我相當喜歡這種積極的選角模式,所以我想要鼓勵他們持續解決目前遇到的錯誤,不要放棄他們的新戰術方向。
IMT are second place right now, and deserve the spot. However, I don’t think they will even be able to hold onto a top 4 spot if Eika doesn’t step up individually or they don’t import a different midlaner. Roaming is incredibly important for the mid position right now and he is currently sitting at the 2nd lowest forward % and lowest damage % of all mids. Meanwhile, their team play and objective focus is really paying off and having veterans like Xmithie and Soaz can often get you wins that people didn't expect you to get on paper.
IMT 目前是排名第二,而他們也值得這個名次。但是,如果 Eika 個人能力沒辦法拿出應有的表現或是他們沒有引進其他的中路選手,我認為他們將沒有辦法維持在前四名。在現在的比賽中,遊走能力對於一名中路選手而言是至關重要的,然而,目前在聯盟所有中路選手中 Eika 的推線率是倒數第二、傷害占比倒數第一。與此同時,IMT 的團戰配合與物件導向的戰術打法有著很好的成效,而且當你的隊伍中有 Xmithie 和 sOAZ 這種老將的時候,他們往往可以替隊伍拿下一些出人意料的勝利。
See you next weekend! I'm really excited for patch 10.4 tomorrow in soloqueue so I'll be spamming games ;)
大家下周見! 我對於明天即將在 soloqueue 到來的 10.4 版本感到相當興奮,所以我會狂打遊戲。
take chances中文 在 way live Youtube 的最佳解答
**誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.
Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01.
Up Running
詞 Lyrics: 弘正 Vince Way
I've been up and alone
Feel like I don't belong
In a world has gone so wrong
Yet it’s the only place I know
Keep me safe in the zone
Been told to keep on fighting
Till we see a silver lining
In between the closing door
And I ve been dreaming
Pleading your love
Will you ever come
I've been blinded too blind to notice
Our moment has begun
You got me
Up up running up and running again
You woke me up up honey up from all the lost dreams
I ve been afraid what’s coming
So afraid I lost it
Wake up now honey
Up into a new scene
To the new scene
A world we’ve never seen yea
Now get up all the way
We've never made mistakes
Just chances that we take to see
if anyone relate
Aren’t we one and the same?
Hop on a flight tomorrow
Pack up the guilt and sorrow
That we’re barely holding on
And now I'm dreaming
Pleading your love
Could you be the one
To get me
Up up running up and running again
To wake me up up honey up from all the lost dreams
I was afraid what's coming
So afraid I lost it
Wake up now honey
Up into the scene
To the new scene
To the new scene Yea
To a new scene
A world that we've never seen
Been blinded Too blind to notice
Our moment just begun
Now get up all the way
