看看 台積電 軟體工程師徵才的 JD:
1.Develop state of the art code
2.Continue to refactor existing applications
3.Contribute to write tests to ensure software quality
4.Apply software design principles to ensure software quality
5.Ensure sustainability and performance of software applications
6.Collaborate with colleagues in design and code reviews.
7.Willing to learn new IT technology
1.BS/MS degree or above and major in Computer Science, Information engineering, Industry Engineering, Statistics or Mathematic related fields, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience.
2.Good at any listed programming languages : C++,C#, JAVA, Python, GO, JavaScript.
3.Familiar with software engineering methodologies: UP, XP or DevOps
4.Familiar with software engineering practices: CI, CD, DDD or TDD
5.Have foundation of OOP, design principles and design patterns
6.Experience managing container-based workloads, using Kubernetes or other orchestration software is a plus.
7.Good communication skills with proactive, good interpersonal and problem-solving capability.
8.With AI related experience is a plus.
9.Familiar with source code version control tools : Git
雖然我無法確定台積電裡面這些東西落實的程度有多少,事實上這份 JD 也是蠻大鍋炒的,但是其實仔細看,這些要求跟加分的選項,不就是這幾年我粉絲專頁上分享、技術培訓課程主題、輔導客戶的顧問案 一直在圍繞的東西嗎?
上面這份 JD 真要挑比較跳的地方,就是那個 AI related experience is a plus.
不過都說是 plus 了,就看看就好。扣掉這一點,如果其他的部份你都可以很紮實,說真的,是你在挑工作,不是工作在挑你。
光一個 TDD, 有多少工程師是真能在產品開發上,時程壓力中,用 TDD 來開發,而且獲得對應的好處呢?
至少讓自己能多符合一些上面 JD的技能要求吧:https://tdd.best/category/courses/
software engineering practices 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最讚貼文
Founders in our accelerator have no doubt passed by the giant map that hangs in the sixth floor of our accelerator space.
The map is much more than a statistical readout of how the region is growing. It explains why Taiwan and AppWorks are integrated so closely with an area we call Greater Southeast Asia.
Aggressive GDP growth, expansion of new technologies, and a glut of software in SEA is helping founders mix together countless localized solutions. They see Taiwan as a place to improve on their ideas, before expanding more assertively into the entire region.
There are a few reasons for this:
1. The AppWorks accelerator, which has helped over 1100 founders launch products and platforms and generated nearly US$5 billion of market value through 376 active startups in the past ten years
2. Taiwan's tremendously huge e-commerce economy of US$42 billion per year (bigger than all of the SEA countries combined)
3. 25,000 engineering graduates per year, who are largely fluent in English and versed in nimble and agile development practices
4. An open and experimental government regulatory approach, which has helped the government-backed NDF support fintech founders by investing US$100 million in blockchain companies, and hundreds of millions of USD in other startup verticals
In this article we list examples of the following companies (and many more) that have taken this approach, either through partnering with us as portfolio companies or attending our accelerator: ShopBack; 91APP 品牌新零售; Carousell 旋轉拍賣; Xfers (AW18), which partnered with Zilliqa recently to launch a stable coin called StraitsX...
If you want to explore Taiwan's fast-growing regionally-integrated economy, then you should come check out our accelerator.
We have opened applications for cohort #20, which will begin in March 2020. Applications close on December 16.
You can find out more here: http://bit.ly/AWBAIGSEA
Doug Crets
English Communications Master, AppWorks Accelerator
software engineering practices 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook 的最佳貼文
當了一年的 Facebook Rotational Software Engineer 心得分享
之前寫了英文版的 1 Year After Being a Rotational Software Engineer at Facebook 在我的英文部落格,因為生小孩比較忙,最近才整理好並得到許可對外分享。會想寫這篇心得文是因為我會幫忙和得到我們 Rotational Engineer Program offer 的人通電話,說服他們不要去其他公司並接受我們的offer 。 當類似的問題回答久了,就會想要用更有效率的方式達成目標,畢竟 If you ask software engineers to do something twice, they’ll want to automate it for the third time. :)
公司官方的說明: Facebook’s Rotational Engineering Program.
這是一年期的 program,招收的對象是至少有兩年工作經驗的工程師,工作職稱是 Rotational Software Engineer,進來 Facebook 後也會和一般的 Software Engineer 一樣有 Engineering Bootcamp,為期大約6~8週,訓練過程 program 會和你討論,看你的興趣及當時願意收人的組來做媒合。 一個 team 的時間大概是5.5 個月。在 2.5 個月的時候會有 mid-cycle review, 一個 team 結束時會有正式的 final review。
有些人考慮要不要加入是擔心這是只有一年的合約,我的想法是美國現在幾乎所有的工作合約都是 at-will, 代表公司或你在任何時間都可以終止工作合約,所以有一年或沒有一年的註記,其實差不多。而這個 Rotation Engineer 合約是 short-term full time, 全職有的福利Rotational Software Engineer 也都有的。
這個 program 從2016年12月開始,每個月收一批人,我是2017年一月第二批 cohort 加入的。一些特點:
1. 一年可以到2個不同 Facebook 的組工作,我覺得是很棒的特色,有機會可以看看不同 Facebook產品 (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, etc), 。我是先在廣告組,後來在 Infrastructure。
2. 和正常 Software Engineer 一樣有 mentorship program。 定期和你的 manager 及 mentor 1 on 1. 了解自己的表現,討論如何進步。
3. 如果你表現好的話,結束第一個 team 的時候就可以被 hire 成 normal track 的 Software Engineer 。 目前也越來越有多的例子在半年就從 program 畢業了。 當然反過來說,也有人表現不佳,第一個或是第二個 team結束就拜拜了。
4. 沒有股票 RSU。
5. 不確定有沒有辦法辦 H1B, 畢竟每個 cohort 時間不太一樣,我知道參加的人是都有 H1B 或綠卡以上了。我有聽到一個例子是進來後還在 rotation team ,因為表現不錯,和 manager 討論後公司就開始辦綠卡。不過這個可能要和 recruiter 了解確定現在的情況。
6. 一年內或一年結束時要有穩定的 E4 的表現,才會有 E4 offer,不然就不會有 offer。
總而言之,我第一個組的 manager 第一次 1 on 1 就和我說,我不應該因為是這個 program 就覺得我有什麼不同,我還是會被依相同的標準來評量,我的同事也不會覺得我有什麼不同,其中一個同事和我工作3個月後才發現我的 title 不一樣。
目前 Rotational Software Engineer program 在矽谷 Menlo Park 總部及西雅圖有收人,我之後也有幾個台灣人加入呢。
第一個 cohort 的學姐被Business Insider 報導: Facebook rejected her application the first time — now she’s part of a new initiative on how Facebook can step up its hiring practices .
我及另外兩位同事被 Facebook Engineering Blog 報導:Accelerating growth through Facebook's Rotational Engineering Program
Facebook 裡有許多厲害的工程師(及厲害的各式各樣的人), 工作的步調在矽谷同級的公司算快很多,checked in 的 code, continuous push 幾個小時候就到 production 了。整體的文化很年輕及有活力,公司也蠻透明開放, 每週五下午都有和 Mark Zuckerberg 的Q&A,如果你有興趣想要參加某個會議,通常聯絡到負責的人也都會很開放的讓你參加。 食物還蠻好吃的、飲料、零食的種類也都還不錯,大家戲稱加入 Facebook 一年平均會胖15磅呢!
有興趣申請 Facebook 的朋友們, 可以好好考慮一起申請 Rotational Software Engineer的職位。