謝謝美國海關及邊境保護局(CBP)的官員,昨天於美國在台協會圓滿完成全球入境計劃面談後,已經啟程返回美國。自2017年11月1日起,有將近3,000人申請加入全球入境計劃,其中有將近700位申請人在台灣與官員完成面談。可惜的是官員們無法在台灣多做停留,但CBP官員請我們提醒大家可以選擇「落地註冊」(https://www.cbp.gov/…/global-e…/enrollment-arrival/locations),來完成全球入境計劃申請的最後一個步驟。落地註冊甚至不需要特別預約。我們在此也要特別感謝台灣的內政部移民署、警政署、以及外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)的全力協助,實現了美台互惠,讓雙方人民使用美國全球入境計劃及台灣自動通關系統。
中央社專訪AIT領事組組長何蘭報導: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201801200188-1.aspx #TrustedTravelers #SkipTheLines #GlobalEntry
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers who came to Taiwan to conduct Global Entry interviews here at AIT are headed back home to the United States. While they were here, they interviewed around 700 of the almost 3,000 applicants who signed up for Global Entry in Taiwan since November 1, 2017. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stay longer, but they wanted us to remind everyone that “Enrollment on Arrival” is a great way to complete the final step of Global Entry enrollment without having to make an appointment. Thank you to our partners at Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency, the National Police Agency, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their amazing cooperation in making Global Entry for Taiwan passport holders, and eGate for U.S. passport holders, a reality! #TrustedTravelers #SkipTheLines #GlobalEntry
Learn about Enrollment on Arrival at: https://www.cbp.gov/…/global-en…/enrollment-arrival/location
Central News Agency's interview with AIT Consular Section Chief Lara Harris: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201801200188-1.aspx
skipthelines 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
你曾經參觀過紐約港外的的愛麗絲島嗎? 你知道愛麗絲島的歷史嗎? 1892年的1 月1日,15歲的安妮‧摩爾 (Annie Moore) 從愛爾蘭出發到美國,她是第一個經由愛麗絲島進入美國的移民。當她搭的船越來越靠近新大陸時,安妮先看到紐約港外305英尺高的自由女神像 -- 這座雕像就位在愛麗絲島隔壁的島上。有長達60年的時間,愛麗絲島曾是一個主要的移民入口站;在通過檢查之後,這些移民就會獲准進入美國。
你能猜到有多少人經由愛麗絲島進入美國嗎?請在下方留言告訴我們,猜對的前十名有小禮物。 更多愛麗絲島的資訊,請見:https://www.nps.gov/elis/index.htm
Have you ever visited Ellis Island? Do you know its history? When 15-year-old Annie Moore arrived here from Ireland on this day in 1892, she was the first person to enter the United States through Ellis Island. As the boat she was on drew closer to her new home, she must have seen the Statue of Liberty, whose torch rises 305 feet above the waters of the New York Harbor. The statue is on an island next to Ellis Island. Ellis Island was a major immigration center for more than 60 years. Once they were given the OK to enter, the immigrants were allowed into the United States. Can you guess how many people entered the United States through Ellis Island? Leave us your guess in the comment below. The first ten winners will receive a gift. Want to read more, please click, https://www.nps.gov/elis/index.htm
Go online now to apply for Global Entry membership and schedule your interview in Taiwan: https://goo.gl/eWuStz
#TodayInHistory #GlobalEntry #TrustedTravelers #SkiptheLines #DestinationUSA
skipthelines 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
12月25這個日子就快到囉,但你還有充足的時間挑個完美的禮物!請欣賞這段有趣的影片,看看聖誕老公公這個送禮達人今年給自己選了什麼禮物。而且他不只送禮來,還帶領一群幫手來AIT,他們將在1月18日至24日期間提供全球入境計畫的面談。請大家務必在12月底前完成全球入境的線上申請,才有機會在台灣進行面談。這樣你下次到美國的時候,就可以不必排隊等候了!AIT全體同仁祝大家佳節愉快! --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector #TrustedTravelers
現在就申請全球入境計劃吧: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/global-entry-zh/
December 25 is drawing near. It’s still not too late to find that perfect gift. Check out this fun video to see what the master of gift giving will be gifting himself this year. Not only is Santa Claus coming to town, but he’s bringing a team of special helpers to AIT to conduct #GlobalEntry interviews January 18-24. Submit your Global Entry application by the end of December to have a chance at interviewing right here in Taiwan, so next time you go to the United States, you can #SkiptheLines! Happy holidays from the entire AIT family…km #FromAITDirector
Apply for Global Entry: https://www.ait.org.tw/global-entry/