Its OUTTTT!! Korang pls tengok ye! And pls pls pls bagi komen korang tau! For future brides out there, this video is very important for you! Click link kat profile ig @duckcosmetics okay! Thanks @norianathefacedesigner & @duckcosmetics for having me! 😍😘 #wishlist2018checked #makeupbybeeramza #sisramshare
#Repost @duckcosmetics
I’m sure the launch tomorrow has got you dUCkies all excited, but first let's take a short break 'cause it's time for #MakeUpTalkMonday! In conjunction with dUCk Cosmetics being the official make-up sponsor for the most awaited wedding event of the year, The Wedding KL 2018, we have a special episode for you this week as we talk about the Do's and Don'ts for all those future Mrs out there with the ever so talented miss @ramzamode. Watch as this cutie dishes out some of the best advices for future brides together with our Beauty Expert, @norianathefacedesigner. If you're a dUCkie bride-to-be, then you'll definitely want to tune into this one! - D. #duckcosmetics #MakeUpTalkMonday #theWeddingKL2018
sisramshare 在 Make Up by Bee Ramza Facebook 的最佳貼文
Tahun baru, mesti ada cita-cita baru! Sebenarnya sisram ni bukan jenis yang ada wishlist atau bucketlist. Tapi sisram ada la selalu angan-angan mat jenin. Hahahah macam-macam sisram teringin nak buat, alhamdulillah ada yang tak sangka2 termakbul doa. .
Tahun baru ni sisram bersyukur sangat diberi peluang yang dah laaaammaaaaa sisram impikan. I've got my own column in a magazine! And its called #sisramshare ! .
Terima kasih keluarga @hijabfesyen_magz for the trust! InsyaAllah sisram akan berikan yang terbaik! 💪🏻 Korang semua jangan lupa tauuuu beli majalah Hijab Fesyen nantiiii sisram ada share tips2 make up yang up-to-date! Yang Januari 2017 dah keluar tauuuu!! .
Fffuuhhhh! Hope semua orang suka dan segala input bermanfaat utk semua ☺️ kalau ada comments atau apa2 perlu ditambahbaik insyaAllah kita sama2 kongsi ye? Okayyy! .
Jangan takut utk berubah dan selamat mencuba! .
Sisram 🐝