Tag your #BFF. ❤️ So here’s the thing - unfortunately not every BFF coupling makes for a great #travel duo & finding that out once it's too late is never #fun. So how can you tell if you & your BFF want & need the same things while #exploring away from #home? Here are some vital signs to consider:
1) On Any Given #SaturdayNight, Y'all Wanna Do The Same Thing
2) You're Comfortable Discussing #Money
3) Silence Doesn't Bother Either Of You
4) You Have Similar #Eating #Habits & Priorities
5) You Have Differing Skill Sets
An ability read #maps well is huge — not to mention increasingly rare in this Siri-run #world. But if you're both #pretty #badass at directions, yet neither of you understand how to navigate booking a hostel or key phrases in the native #language, then what good are maps, anyway? It's ideal if you two can split duties fitting to your respective prowesses to make sure all area is covered and you're mutually responsible for keeping the #trip running smoothly.
6) You Have Kindred #Social Media Habits
It's easy to ignore the occasional albeit obnoxious pause to Instagram while frequenting old haunts, but when travel comes into play, the uploads quadruple. If someone's social media dependency already irks you, count on that irk to multiply accordingly. And if #WiFi service is spotty? Heaven help us all. Plus, taking a billion #selfies when that isn't also your M.O. WILL get old.
7) They're #Outgoing
8) They're Also #Independent
9) You're Both Into #Sharing
10) You're Totally Secure With Each Other
This surpasses the underwear thing. You must be assured in your #relationship - confident in your open #communication so that no one is secretly unsatisfied or even angry. When you're both easygoing with each other to the point where you feel totally certain they'd let you know if sh*t ain't cool, then you're golden.
11) They Have A Good Sense Of #Humor -
From bustle.com #Traveller’s #Tuesday