如果可愛的流浪貓可以和人類一起共享這個地球,假日又可以一齊Chill,幾好呢?。#愛協 的#貓隻領域護理計劃 #CCCP 可以實現這個夢想。如果大家見到流浪貓可以call SPCA, 佢哋會捉貓幫佢哋做健康檢查和絕育,防止流浪貓數量過多。 放回街上,也會有義工為貓。這幾集#坪洲流浪貓 就係CCCP計畫的街貓喇,幾開心!❤️
If you see stray cats on the streets, please call #SPCAhk so they can #spayandneuter the cats and give them a health check. Although they will continue to live on the streets, they will be fed by volunteers. Please give them a chance to have an enjoyable life alongside us humans. These happy cats are a few of the many cats under the CCCP program. A chill and happy life they all deserve! 🐱