Ella Grace has a little treat for you and your littles! ❤️❤️❤️✨
We compiled our favorite kids podcasts that she loves and wanted to share with her friends - these are all mom-approved, Child & Family Development Specialist verified, and most importantly, child-led Ella Bella enthusiasm recommended!
Whether at home, in the car, or as a pre-naptime treat, these podcasts have brought Ella Grace so much joy!
To listen, go to your podcast app, search the different titles, or look it up on Spotify!
1. The BIG Life Kids Podcast
This is Ella Grace’s absolute favorite and she can listen to all these on loop. Created by the makers of Big Life Journal, it is inspiring, enthusiastic, positive, and follows the adventures of Zara and Leo in their Belief mobile as they teach children to stay resilient, believe in themselves, and face life’s challenges with confidence! ❤️❤️❤️
2. But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids
Another close second, this podcast by Vermont Public Radio features little kids around the world asking questions on a topic. Check out the one they just released on Coronavirus. I was so impressed how much Ella Grace absorbed and learned from listening to it as she explained it back to a friend a little bit later! So good!!! The episodes are quite long but informative and features a mix of kids, experts, and a narrator.
3. Little Stories for Tiny People
If you have a little one that loves books and stories, this is the podcast for you. Each story is lovingly written and performed with attention to the whimsical senses of humor little ones have. Her favorites are Mouse Bakes a Cake as well as the feeling stories. Read the captions, it’s so beautifully written it makes you want to hug the creator!
4. This Podcast Has Fleas
Silly, fun, sassy, goofiness this podcast from WNYC Kids features a menagerie of household animals holding their own podcasts including fans! Made-up songs with Waffles the dog, Jones the cat, Benny the gerbil and Mr Glub the goldfish (voiced by Alex Baldwin!) it has all the silliness a preschooler would enjoy!
5. Wow in the World
Another gem from NPR, Ella Grace loves this one and it's perfect if you have curious little kids that are hungry to know how the world works! Enthusiastic, informative, entertaining, it takes science to a whole new level and makes it approachable, fun and easy-to-understand magic!
6. Circle Round
This one is also for all our little story-lovers. Created and produced by parents of young children, it adapts folktales on kindness, persistence, and generosity from around the world into a beautiful story-telling. If your little one loves reading books rich with artistry and story, they will be riveted with this series that Ella Grace lovingly calls the Lion stories.
7. Sparkle Stories
If you can't tell already, Ella Grace's two favorite podcast genres are the science of how things work and stories that inspire imagination and kindler gentler world and this podcast definitely doesn't disappoint. There is definitely no shortage of stories in this one and it has child-friendly narration which makes it slower and easier to understand for little ones. It's perfect for a pre-naptime treat and it's listed by age-groups and interests! There is an absolutely beautiful series on Helping and Healing that explores different topics like grief, separation anxiety, chronic illness, etc.
8. Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls
From the makers of the bestselling Rebel Girls series, this podcast features different history-making women from Frida Kahlo to lesser known heroines to inspire your little girl to dream bigger, aim higher and fight harder. <3
Ella Grace would love to hear from you (and your little!). Let us know what you think and if you have any recommendations for other kids podcasts that you love in the comments below please. I know it will make this little goofball so happy!
Enjoy! <3
「reading journal app」的推薦目錄:
reading journal app 在 安娜夏威夷 Hawaii Life Facebook 的最讚貼文
🇺🇸小娜的小一作業 Homework 📚
基本上老師規定,週一到週四每天回家都要念一本英文書(老師會發)、再加上一種回家作業,每個學生會有一本folder,裡面每天都會帶回來當天的homework ,隔天八點一到學校就是拿作業給老師檢查,只有星期四的作業(作文)是星期一交。
- 把當週要背的單字字卡用剪刀剪下來放在信封裡
- 念一本書紀錄reading log
➡️ 這大概只要花3分鐘吧⋯⋯🤣
- 把這一週的單字在練習簿寫3次以上(一行)
- 念一本書紀錄reading log
- ➡️ 小娜的字算是蠻整齊的,在這點上至少我不用當橡皮擦媽媽😅
✅ 星期三:數學
- 會發一張數學作業寫
- 念一本書紀錄reading log
➡️ 我覺得數學真的太簡單,後來我🈶️跟老師反應,請他給難一點的作業(但是還是簡單😂)
✅ 星期四:寫 journal (日記)
- 每個星期老師都會出不同的題目,告訴小孩大概要寫什麼內容,而且🈶️規定要寫幾句
- 念一本書紀錄reading log
➡️ 這個 journal 我們要跟她一起寫,但是老師規定不可以幫她拼音,她完全要自己用phonics 的方法拼出來,拼錯無所謂,老師會改,整篇紅字也沒關係,這是一個學習的過程
👉👉所以從星期一開始發回來的單字就是一定要背起來,一個星期五個單字(有時候多一個bonus單字)從最基本的a, the, to, am, and 這種sight word開始,然後在星期五會小考
👉👉每個星期一早上老師都會有一個『Weekend Sharing』的時間讓孩子們一個一個上台or站起來分享上一個週末做了什麼事情跟全班同學分享,通常我們會讓小娜帶照片去秀給大家看,例如我們去公園玩、had a play date、去HHV staycation,甚至上星期放秋假我幫小娜報名了美術營,她就直接帶她的作品去分享給大家,孩子們每個星期都有一個 public speaking的練習機會,尤其像小娜這種比較害羞的女生,可以有很多這種在大家面前講話的機會,我覺得超棒的👍
你們看完照片可能也跟我一樣下巴掉下來了吧⋯⋯ 是不是超簡單⁉️所以我大概在開學的前兩個星期每天會看著她寫作業,確定沒問題後,現在她每天下午在爺爺家就會自己把作業寫完、唸完reading log的書,只有星期四的 journal 會留給我們一起陪寫。所以雖然學校有功課,我反而覺得很輕鬆,每天6點回家吃完晚餐後,我只需要「檢查」她的作業簽名就好👍
✅ i-Ready:
- 後來9⃣️🈷️老師開始給學生 i-Ready 的線上電腦💻功課,一個星期20分鐘
➡️ 小娜非常的喜歡寫(玩),我則規定她中英文功課都要寫完才可以做這個功課(所以也是reward的一種),大概一個星期玩個兩次,一次10-20分鐘不等
🎥 學校的作業大概就是這樣,其實我們自己還有給小娜其他額外的英文、中文作業,想看我直播嗎?因為寫文實在太慢了,如果大家有興趣看我直播分享小娜的課外英文作業,包括線上版i-Ready、App版像是 Kids A-Z,還有她目前中文課的教材還有功課的話,請留言「英文+1」or「中文+1」or「中英文都要」喔!