NYDeTour週末何處去:6/16-6/17 (Sat & Sun)
*6/16 (Sat) CIUSA and CIB Presents: The 36th Annual Mermaid Parade
一年一度的Coney Island Mermaid Parade這星期六在Surf Avenue上舉行。雖然天氣炎熱去海邊的人多,但遊行將會更熱鬧有趣。不論以前是否看過,Coney Island的美人魚遊行不會讓你失望的!(看照片就知道!)
地點:Coney Island, 1208 Surf Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:6/16 (Sat) 1pm-4pm
*6/16 (Sat) Adventures NYC at Central Park
星期六在中央公園的Bandshell廣場有一場大型戶外體能活動節慶。有zip line,攀岩,站立式划船,瑜伽,空手道等十多項活動免費參與。有興趣的朋友可以前往參加。
地點:Central Park Bandshell (Enter from 5th Ave & E. 72nd St)
時間:6/16 (Sat) 11am-4pm
*6/16 (Sat) free walk up kayaking at Governors Island
星期天在Governor Island的Pier 101將揭開這一季免費划艇活動。在這裡划船可以看到曼哈頓下城天際線和東河的布魯克林大橋。Enough said! 如要自拍,請注意手機安全。掉到河裡就….
地點:Governors Island Pier 101
時間:6/16 (Sat) 11am-4pm
*6/16 (Sat) Public Paddle by North Brooklyn Boat Club
也是一個免費划船的活動,North Brooklyn Boat Club將提供25呎(多人),與單人的獨木舟,從Brooklyn和Queens交接的Newtown Creek划船到東河上。將可以看到曼哈頓中城的百萬美景。
地點:51 Ash Street, Brooklyn, (G train to Greenpoint or 7 train to Vernon/Jackson)
時間:6/16 (Sat) 12pm-4pm
*6/16 (Sat) Summer Thunder free concert series at Union Pool
星期六在Williamsburg的Union Pool 照常舉辦下午的免費演唱會。這禮拜表演的團體為Wand & Spirit of the Beehive。想喝啤酒聽音樂,來這裡就對了!
地點:Union Pool, 484 Union Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:6/16 (Sat) 2pm
*6/16 (Sat) STR8 WEST COASTIN' SUMMER 2018
從六月到九月每個月的第三個星期六,在Brooklyn BedStuy都有大型嘻哈饒舌音樂舞會。三位知名DJ輪番上陣播放耳熟能詳的嘻哈饒舌音樂,2pm-4pm還有免費的Old Blue Last Beer!現場也會有夏天最受歡迎的BBQ販售。
地點:742 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:6/16 (Sat) 2pm-6pm
*6/16 (Sat) Typographic Book Fair at Cooper Union
第三屆活版印刷刊物書籍書展這星期天在東村的Cooper Union舉行。對graphic design或是活版印刷有興趣的朋友別錯過了!
地點:41 Cooper Square, New York
時間:6/17 (Sun) 10am-6pm
*6/17 (Sun) Rubin Museum Annual Block Party
一年一度Rubin Museum of Art 街區節這星期天在館址外面舉行。有多項文化表演活動,drone demonstration等。當然美術館也免費開放參觀。
地點:Rubin Museum of Art, 150 W. 17th Street, New York, NY
時間:6/17 (Sun) 1pm-4pm
*6/16-6/17 (Sat & Sun) Parade of Trains at Brighton Beach
這週末兩天在Brooklyn的Brighton Beach地鐵站將有New York Transit Museum舉行的復古地鐵列車搭乘活動。朋友們可以和星期六的Coney Island Mermaid Parade當作同一個行程。如果是星期天,也可以在Brighton Beach逛逛傳統俄羅斯社區。
地點:MTA Brighton Beach Subway Station (B, Q)
時間:6/16-6/17 (Sat & Sun) 11am-4pm
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? Get 50% OFF a Babbel subscription! ➡️ HERE: https://go.babbel.com/6m50-youtube-xiaomanyc2-march-2021/default China’s Shaolin Temple is renowned as t...
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NYDeTour週末何處去4/14-4/15 (Sat & Sun)
來了!來了!活動這麼多表示春天真的來了! XD
*4/14 (Sat) March for Science NYC 2018
星期六早上在Washington Square Park有一項「為科學遊行」的活動,要號招所有人團結起來向政策制定人宣誓科學的重要性。因為有人不相信地球暖化,排斥科學,研究經費持續刪減,讓美國的科學教育越來越差。活動有多位學者演講,也有音樂表演與美國科學政策相關資訊攤位。參加民眾於12點會沿著Broadway遊行到downtown的Zuccotti Park有興趣的人可以前往了解。
地點:Washington Square Park
時間:4/14 (Sat) 9am-1pm
*4/14 (Sat) Phagwah Parade 2018
慶祝印度Phagwah (Holi)節慶,星期六在皇后區的Richmond Hill將舉辦第三十屆的花車遊行活動。預計有30輛花車參加遊行,在遊行終點Phil Rizzuto Park還有印度舞蹈表演等多項文化活動。想體驗Holi Festival的朋友不要錯過了!
地點:133rd Street & Liberty Avenue. Richmond Hill (A train to Ozone Park/Lefferts Blvd) & Phil Rizzuto Park (Atlantic Ave & 125th St)
時間:4/14 (Sat) 10pm-6pm
*4/14 (Sat) Spring Fighter 2018
喜歡電玩的朋友這星期六在NYU Polytech的Game Center有一項電玩競賽,內容為Street Fighter V; Dragon Ball Fighter Z和Tekken 7。有興趣參加的朋友可以到連結網站登記,並要自備PS4 compatible的Controller。活動也開放民眾註冊參觀。
地點:2 MetroTech Game Center, 8th FL
時間:4/14 (Sat) 10am-8pm
*4/14 (Sat) Hester Street Fair’s Season 9 Opening Day
天氣變好紐約的市集也將紛紛開始。在LES的Hester Street Fair這星期六是今年開季日。如果在附近的朋友可以去那裡吃吃喝喝,聽DJ放歌輕鬆一下!
地點:Hester Street & Essex Street
時間:4/14 (Sat) 11am-6pm
*4/14 (Sat) Wbar-B-Q 2018
慶祝Bernard College校園電台WBAR 25週年,星期六在Bernard College有免費演唱會活動,將有Palehoud, Weaves, Pinkcaravan 和Crosslegged四個樂團表演。喜歡音樂的朋友可以前往共襄盛舉。
地點:Bernard College (Broadway & W. 116th St)
時間:4/14 (Sat) 12pm-4pm
*4/14 (Sat) Spring Cleaning Do + Brew
將裡有舊衣物整體狀況不錯但有些小破損而捨不得丟嗎?星期六在Industry City的Camp David有一項DIY修補衣物workshop活動,除了賦予這些衣物新生命外,還可以依邊喝啤酒,一邊聽音樂。有興趣的朋友只需繳交10元就可以參加。
地點:Camp David, 237 36th Street, #112, Brooklyn
時間:4/14 (Sat) 4pm-8pm
*4/14 (Sat) 500 Block MacDonough Street Association presents Jackie Robinson Way Street Renaming
為慶祝大聯盟職棒第一位非洲裔選手的Jackie Robinson Day星期六將把在Bed-Stuy的MacDonough Street between Ralph & Patchen Ave之間命名為Jackie Robinson Way。除了有揭牌儀式外,還有鼓號樂隊演出,免費食物和大聯盟提供的贈品。喜歡大聯盟歷史的朋友別錯過了!
地點:500 Block MacDonough Street Association, MacDonough Street between Ralph * Patchen Ave
時間:4/14 (Sat) 11am-3pm
*4/14 (Sat) 陳棟帆(Chen Dongfan)「昨夜星辰昨夜風(Nevermore)」Opening Reception
星期六在Brooklyn Bed-Stuy的Fou Gallery將舉行中國畫家陳棟帆個人畫展的開幕酒會。有興趣的朋友可以前往參觀。
地點:Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn
時間:4/14 (Sat) 5pm-8pm
4/14 (Sat) Andy Lin Studio: Spring Concert
星期六晚上在Manhattan的The DiMenna Center for Classical Music有一場紐約知名音樂家Andy Lin學生以中小提琴為主的音樂演奏會。活動為免費參加。是週六夜很棒的活動!
地點:The DiMenna Center for Classical Music, 450 W. 37th Street, New York, NY
時間:4/14 (Sat) 7:30pm-9:30pm
*4/15 (Sun) MoMA PS1 Spring Open House
每年春天最推薦的活動之一MoMA PS1 Spring Open House就在這個星期天舉行。除了有這一季全新衣展外,每個星期天的VW Sunday Session音樂活動也免費開放。一年兩次免費參觀MoMA PS1的機會不要錯過了!
地點:MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Avenue, LIC
時間:4/15 (Sun) 12pm-6pm
*4/15 (Sun) Moroccan Cultural Festival at Children’s Museum of The Arts
地點:Children’s Museum of The Arts, 103 Charlton Street, New York
時間:4/15 (Sun) 10am-5pm
*4/15 (Sun) The Official Persian Parade 2018
星期天在Madison Avenue將舉辦一年一度的波斯遊行活動。是紐約市裡難得見到的伊朗,波斯文化活動。除了遊行外,在Madison Square Park的東北角也會有波斯飲食的攤位,非常特別。
地點:Madison Avenue & E. 25th Street, New York
時間:4/15 (Sun) 11am-4pm
*4/15 (Sun) Earth Day New York 2018 in Union Square.
為響應4/22世界地球日,這星期天在Union Square Park有多項關注環保議題的活動,樂團表演和小朋友的手作活動攤位等。關心自己生活環境的朋友不要錯過了!
地點:Union Square West (Bet E. 14th St & E. 17th St)
時間:4/15 (Sun) 12pm-7pm
Wish you all have a wonderful weekend!
(Meanwhile, I left my heart in San Francisco...........NOT!)
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NYDeTour週末何處去:12/23-12/25 (Sat-Mon)
*12/23-12/24 (Sat &Sun) Brooklyn Flea at Industry City
還沒準備好聖誕禮物的朋友,把握時間在這週末到Brooklyn Industry City的Brooklyn Flea逛逛吧!兩種建築間的Holiday Installation也是自拍好地方!
地點:241 37th St. Brooklyn, NY
時間:12/23(Sat) 10am-12/24(Sun) 3pm
*12/23 (Sat) 19th Century Parlorcraft Circle – Paper Flowers, Cookie Swap, and Yuletide Social at Jefferson Market Library
星期六在Greenwich著名地標Jefferson Market Library三樓有一項19世紀的工藝紙花製作課程,餅乾交換和聖誕節社交活動。免費參加,不過鼓勵參加者能夠帶一打餅乾,可以各自交換,所以也是認識新朋友的好機會!
地點:Jefferson Market Library, 3rd Floor, Avenue of Americas
時間:12/23 (Sat) 2:30pm-4:30pm
*12/24 (Sun) MTA Holiday Nostalgia Train Ride
地點:2nd Ave & Houston St Station (F train) to 2nd Ave & E. 96th St. (Q train)
時間:2nd Ave & Houston St: 10am, 12pm, 2pm & 4pm; E. 96th St: 11am, 1pm, 3pm & 5pm.
*12/24 (Sun) Christmas Eve Caroling at Washington Square Park
星期天聖誕夜下午五點在Washington Square Park有Christmas Carol演唱活動。今年的Washington Square Park還多了艾未未的大型裝置藝術。如果朋友那個時候在附近,去感受一下聖誕夜的氣氛吧!
地點:Washington Square Park, The Arch
時間:12/24 (Sun) 5pm-6pm
*12/24 (Sun) Christmas for Techno Orphans
如果你一個人聖誕夜在紐約孤苦無依,那再Williamsburg多TBA所舉辦的Christmas for Techno Orphans所放的電音舞曲絕對可以讓你感受到些許溫暖直到聖誕節凌晨!晚上六點起還提供potluck dinner! 應該是個有趣的活動可以預見留在紐約孤獨的靈魂~
地點:TBA Williamsburg, 395 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:12/24 (Sun) 6pm- 12/25 (Mon) 4am
*12/23-12/25 (Fri-Mon) 8 Stunning Department Store Holiday Windows to Check Out in NYC
聖誕節當天許多點都沒開,但百貨公司的假日櫥窗還是可以讓人去做Holiday Window Shopping,欣賞那些精緻巧心佈置的櫥窗。參考Untapped Cties所整理的資訊吧
Wish everyone have a warm, safe and joyful Christmas Holidays!
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? Get 50% OFF a Babbel subscription! ➡️ HERE: https://go.babbel.com/6m50-youtube-xiaomanyc2-march-2021/default China’s Shaolin Temple is renowned as the birthplace of kung fu, and warrior monks have been training there for thousands of years as a way to cultivate both their spiritual and practical fighting skills. Now I do CrossFit workouts pretty regularly and I’m decently fit but recently I thought it would be interesting to see what it would be like to instead train and live like a Shaolin warrior monk.
Now fortunately there is actually a real-life 34th generation Shaolin monk who runs his own temple only a few blocks away from my apartment in NYC. According to his Wikipedia page he can break rocks with his skull, deflect blades with his skin, and sleep while hanging upside down from a tree branch. I’ve met him before and I can tell you he’s the real deal. So I decided to spend a week with him learning the ways of the Shaolin warrior monks.
Here’s a link to the Shaolin Temple website if you’re interested in taking classes with them: https://usashaolintemple.org/
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